Tokyo Game Show 2014: Highlights

Tokyo Game Show 2014: Highlights

by Gary Oldwood on 26 September 2014 · 3028 views

Quiet will be making an appearance in Metal Gear Solid 5

Tokyo Game Show 2014 ended last weekend after 4 consecutive days in a building that what attendees thought was a gaming utopia. OK, maybe I’m overreacting a bit, but it’s true that no one left this year’s TGS unsatisfied; you can check that by taking a look at the various blog posts which talk about how great it was and how many titles and trailers were shown regarding upcoming games; let alone the fact that a lot of demos were available to the public and people were standing in lines to get a few minutes of happiness with games they wish to play on their consoles in the near future.

In this article we’ll give you an insight of the most popular games that made an appearance in Tokyo Game Show 2014.

Games that appeared in Tokyo Game Show 2014

We’ll start off with some very exciting games published by Square Enix. The trailer shown Final Fantasy Type-0 (formerly known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII) left a lot of fans waiting for the actual game to be released (although it’s unfortunate that it will be a Japan-only release), some lucky ones however got their hands on the demo that was available; you can check the trailer and the gameplay videos below (here is the opening cutscene of the game only).


Gameplay video:

But the game that fans were really thrilled to see however, was Final Fantasy XV. The trailer shown was really impressive, and it was a real pleasure to hear Square Enix announce that it was about 55% complete.

Gameplay trailer:

Unfortunately, there were no news at all regarding Kingdom Hearts III, which was announced along with Final Fantasy XV. The next Square Enix game that was displayed was Final Fantasy Explorers:

Sqaure Enix did show quite a few mobile games as well, such as Schoolgirl Strikers, Magic High School: Lost Zero, Final Fantasy: World Wide Words and what seems to be a cool Final Fantasy 7 racing game called Final Fantasy 7 G-Bike (which we had also seen in E3 2014).

But Square Enix wasn’t the only one the public was focusing on. Bandai Namco did showcase two more titles of the “Tales of…” franchise- Tales of Hearts R (trailer) and Tales of Zestiria (gameplay demo). Both are intriguing RPGs that I would personally love to play, being a “Tales of” fan.

And then there was Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate… well damn, that’s something! Just watch the trailer and the gameplay videos below:


Gameplay video:

A new trailer for Bloodborne (developed by From Games) was shown too, along with the announcement of a western release date: February 6. Many people got their hands on the playable demo and tried out a new character class (the “Rogue” class), as seen below:

And it does get better, as you expect. A new trailer for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain was shown. In the upcoming MGS title, there’s a female character in called “Quiet”, who is a sniper and an ally to Big Boss; she’s not his only new ally however, since a dog with an eye-patch will be making an appearance as well. Check out GameSpot’s Q&A interview with Hideo Kojima about the new MGS for more details.

Here is Quiet, for those who haven't seen her yet:

The new female character in Metal Gear Solid 5


Gameplay demo:

You probably know that MGS 5 is not the only game Hideo Kojima is working on; he and Guillermo del Toro are working together on the next Silent Hill game, a reboot that goes by the name of Silent Hills. Remember the P.T. (i.e. Playable Teaser) that was released for it a while back? Now, a new concept trailer was shown that’s definitely gonna give you the creeps- and you're not even playing it yet.

Although there was nothing said for Persona 5, there were new trailers for Persona 4: Dancing All Night (watch), Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (watch) and Persona Q (watch). Sadly, the release for the PS Vita game Persona 4: Dancing All Night is pushed from late 2014 to early 2015. On the other hand, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax will be released on September 30 (PS3, Xbox 360) and Persona Q (3DS) was released just a couple of days ago – September 25.

The first title of the new Dragon Ball series, Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is going to mark a new era of Dragon Ball video games. The trailer that was shown overwhelmed old and new fans of the popular animated series. The game is set for release on PS4, XBO, PS3, XBOX 360 and PC somewhere in 2015.


Gameplay vid:

Fatal Frame V (known as Zero: Nuregarasu no Miko in Japan) for WiiU had its chance to show off with an interesting trailer as well:

A trailer was shown for Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which you can watch below:

And here is a gameplay video from the demo that was available in the event:

Capcom’s survival horror game The Evil Within was highly anticipated and had a very eerie setting in its trailer. The game revolves around a detective named Sebastian Castellanos who is trying to shed some light on a case of brutal murders. Capcom is quite proud of it, so take a look at the trailer below:

As I mentioned before, there was nothing regarding Kingdom Hearts III, a game that people have been expecting for many years now. There was however a playable demo for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix, which is a lollipop to fans who are waiting eagerly the release of KH III:

These were the most popular titles that were showcased in this year’s Tokyo Game Show, so we hope you liked them and have more reasons to get hyped about the new games that will be released in the future. In the meantime, check out Project Morpheus, the virtual reality headset by Sony that was available in TGS and many people got to try out:

What do you think about the event? Did you like what you saw? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!

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