iPhone 6 Dropped - Literally, First Person to Buy iPhone 6 Drops it On Live TV

iPhone 6 Dropped - Literally, First Person to Buy iPhone 6 Drops it On Live TV

by Chris Thomas on 20 September 2014 · 2294 views

 1 large iPhone 6 Dropped  Literally First Person to Buy iPhone 6 Drops it On Live TV

So we're sure you've heard that iPhone 6 has dropped - that's right it's available for purchase. But that's not what we're here to talk about. We're referring to a specific iPhone 6: the first one to be purchased in Perth, Australia; it got dropped. But why is that special at all? Well, it just so happens that the man who dropped the first iPhone 6 to be bought in his town, did so on Live TV, creating a backlash of news stories and social media jokes.

While the iPhone 6 officially dropped on the 19th, as that was the designated release date, it also coincidentally was literally dropped on live television on that same day by an anxious and obviously nervous customer.

Due to timezones, the first hour of the global day always starts in Australia, which means the Apple Stores in Sydney (which opened at 8 AM) offered the first opportunity for someone to take home an iPhone 6. The phone dropped in the video at the bottom of this page was dropped by a man in Perth. Meanwhile in Sydney two guys camped out for ten days for the chance to be the very first people in the world with an iPhone 6.

The first customer at the Apple Store in Perth waited in line all night for his chance to be the first person in his town to pick up the much-anticipated iPhone 6. Unfortunately, he also wound up being the first person to drop an iPhone 6 in his town. The kid's name is Jack Cooksey. He was being interviewed by a reporter with the Today Show at the time he dropped the phone.

He had a bit of trouble unboxing the device, as it was catching due to friction. Once he finally exerted enough force to open the box it caused the lid to fly open with such veracity that the device came tumbling out and onto the ground.

The battery cover was knocked off on impact, giving the classic smartphone-drop illusion of making you think you just busted and broke your phone. That combined with the countless “ooohs” screamed from spectators, as they watched the man shamefully pick up the brand new iPhone 6 that he dropped before even having a chance to lay his hands on it, made the experience even more embarrassing for the young fellow.

After reaching down to pick up the phone in a hurry you can see him wiping the screen to see if any damage had been done to the screen. Luckily, Apple made what appeared to be a wise decision in choosing to stay with Gorilla Glass instead of switching to what was supposed to be an ultra-durable sapphire screen but turned out to be a scratch-resistant material that was still 2.5 times more vulnerable to cracking than Gorilla Glass.

Check out the video below to see one of the first iPhone 6's sold in the world being dropped on live TV:

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