Steam Summer Sale and Free Titanfall

Steam Summer Sale and Free Titanfall

by Dan Vlasic on 20 June 2014 · 3138 views

1 full Steam Summer Sale and Free Titanfall

You probably already know it, but just in case you missed it, here is the big news - Steam's annual summer sale has just launched, and some awesome games like Xcom and Witcher 2 drop in price as much as 75%, so head over to Steam or download its mobile app to be able to shop on the go.

This is the event of the year for Steam gamers, so go ahead and take full advantage of the discounts and 8-hour flash sales. Steam also has a community choice flash sales, so you can cast your vote for the game you crave. Over a hundred games will be on sale daily till June 30th, so check this out:

Day Z early access game was $29.99, now $25.49
Democracy 3 was $24.99, now $8.49
Divinity: Original Sin Early access game, was $39.99, now $31.99
Dead Rising 3 Prepurchase available for pre-purchase for $49.99, now for $37.49
Far Cry 3 was $29.99, now $7.49
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion was $39.99, now $7.99
The Witcher 2 80% off, now $3.99
XCOM: Enemy Unknown was $22.99, now $5.74
Don't Starve was 414.99, now $3.74
Hotline Miami Was %9.99, now $3.99
Mirror's Edge was $19.99, now $9.99
Fallout 3 was $9.99, now $4.99
Civilization V was $22.49, now $11.24

Steam Summer Adventure is a sort of a bonus, which lets you collect and trade cards one can only earn during the summer sale. So, make sure to check the Steam Store daily through the end of the month for the more deals.


2 full Steam Summer Sale and Free Titanfall

But wait, there is more great news. As if to overweight Steam sale, EA currently offers Titanfall for free, but for 48 hours only. You can download the game and play as long as the 48 clock hasn't reached 00:00, so basically you get more than 2 days, unless you play 24 hours a day. Origins calls it 'Game Time,' and your progress will be saved for both single and multiplayer modes just in case, you know, you may want to buy the game. Origins also says there will be more promotions of this kind, so keep an eye open and check their website regularly, if you are interested.

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