Shared Endorsements or How to Opt Out of Google Using Your Profile Info in their Ads

Shared Endorsements or How to Opt Out of Google Using Your Profile Info in their Ads

by Dan Vlasic on 17 June 2014 · 2119 views

2 full Shared Endorsements or How to Opt Out of Google Using Your Profile Info in their Ads

A recent update of Google's Terms of Service is very well worth reading. Actually, if you mind your privacy, you should always read the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, EULA and all those gazillions of words in fine print before you click "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service," but hey, who does that? So, the next time you find your name endorsing a product on Google SERPs without your consent, don't go crazy because you did authorize Google to use your name, profile picture and G+ account information to endorse products and services you +1'ed.

From now on, whenever you hit +1 on something, anything, be it a song, movie, book, restaurant or a sale alert, Google will use that to display ads to your friends and anyone in your circles or contact list, and considering the fact that Google synchronizes your Android contacts with your Gmail, the company has all your contacts covered.

Say, you +1'ed a Tolkien book, or a group of 'Lord of the Rings' fans, or attended and +1'ed their thematic party where you dressed up as Smeagol. That's absolutely up to you, but you may want to keep it private from your boss and colleagues. From now on, with ads endorsements enabled, Google will display in its search results your profile picture and information next to ads and links you have 'liked.'

The feature is called 'Shared Endorsements' and here is what Google says about it:

 4 full Shared Endorsements or How to Opt Out of Google Using Your Profile Info in their Ads

It may not be a big deal, but just in case you MIND Google doing that, you can opt out from shared endorsements and here is how.

Log in to your Google account and go to Shared Endorsements page. Scroll down and un-check the box next to 'Based upon my activity...' as shown on the image below:

 3 full Shared Endorsements or How to Opt Out of Google Using Your Profile Info in their Ads

Don’t forget to click 'Save' and for the moment you are safe, until Google thinks of something else.

Again, how tech companies, be it Google, Microsoft, or Candy Crush Saga developers use your private data should be of outmost interest to you if you still believe there must be a fraction of your life that should remain private. So, start developing a useful habit - read those terms, at least once in a while.

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