Selfie Vista for iOS Lets You Take Front and Back Shots Together

Selfie Vista for iOS Lets You Take Front and Back Shots Together

by Pete Daniel on 14 October 2014 · 2830 views

Have you ever wanted to take a photo on your iPhone using the front and the rear camera at the same time? This has already been possible for a little while using the Frontback iOS app but this is a two step process where you take each shot and then merge them together in a single graphical presentation. Selfie Vista is different.

2 full Selfie Vista for iOS Lets You Take Front and Back Shots Together

Selfie Vista will take a front and back shot simultaneously leading to some interesting and often unexpected results. A shot with a group of travelling friends can show the Rome Coliseum in the rear view. A square shaped collage is automatically created with both photos stacked one above the other. Just ready to be shared through your favorite app like Instagram. Very cool.

Collage Orientation Varies

The collage is different depending on whether you are holding the phone upright or sideways in which case the vertical image will be different from the horizontal one. There is a visual divider between each square image but this can be selectively removed if you do not like it.

Useful Zooming Options

Photos can also be moved around within its area in the collage. It can also be magnified within its area. This way a shot of a couple can be zoomed in to feature their facial expressions more clearly whilst the rear shot can take in the splendor of their location (assuming they're posing somewhere pretty). One other benefit of the easy zooming option is that the classic selfie arm can be obscured from view when zoomed in sufficiently so it's not so obvious.

No Save Option

There presently isn't a save option with the app which is a bit of an odd choice. The developers felt that their target market would just instantly share their images with friends over email anyway. Of course, this assumes that we're all living in an always connected world which isn't the case everywhere.

For those people who feel that the lack of a save feature is a deal breaker and they don't mind taking separate front and then back photos for combining, then the Frontback iOS app does have a save option. Both apps are free in the App Store.

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