Phone Makers Capitalize On iPhone BendGate Woes

Phone Makers Capitalize On iPhone BendGate Woes

by Pete Daniel on 26 September 2014 · 3300 views

Never one to miss out on an opportunity for snappy marketing, the Korean electronics giant Samsung took aim once again at Apple's bendy iPhone 6 problem that has become affectionately known at Bend Gate.

3 full Phone Makers Capitalize On iPhone BendGate Woes

The Samsung print advert compares their Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to the iPhone 6 showing just how much it does not bend. Using the tag line “bend to those who are worthy,” the advert seems to indicate that the iPhone 6 is contorted into an awkward position looking up at the stoic upright appearance of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

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Not to be outdone, the good folks at LG also wanted to get in on the action by taking to Twitter to point out that their phones won't break, they just flex instead. Even the KitKat brand with their Android association (Android 4.4 KitKat) tweeted that they break, but only on purpose.

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The Twitter #bendgate hash tag is being used by many companies who wish to get in on the humorous action at Apple's expense.

This is not the first time that Samsung has made fun of problems with Apple. Everything from the Wi-Fi failing at the most recent product demonstration causing video streaming of the ev-en-t to cu-t-o-ut frequently, to the lack of multi-tasking between more than one app at a time were highlighted.

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