Online File Converter updates: Drag and Drop support, download all files in a ZIP archive

Online File Converter updates: Drag and Drop support, download all files in a ZIP archive

by Mihai Neacsu on 28 July 2021 · 10042 views

We've added two more features to our Online File Converter, so we'll explain briefly in this article what they are and how to use them.

Drag and Drop support

When accessing the converter from a desktop based environment, you can now add the files for conversion by dragging and dropping them into the main zone, around the "Add files" button. You'll notice a rectangular area will become highlighted with a red border when you drag the files. That is the area where files can be dropped.

Afterwards, the process stays the same and you can pick your converting options and proceed from there.

You can still use the "Add files" button to browse for files, as before.

Download all output files in a single ZIP archive

Up until now, after a list of files had finished converting, you could download each individual output file separately, but not all at once.

From now on, you've got a new option. Below the list of converted files, you'll notice a button labeled "Download all files in a ZIP". It appears grayed out initially, and can be used only after all files have finished converting.

You can click on this button and a ZIP archive will be created on the server. When the archive is ready, you can click on the button now labeled "ZIP file ready" to download it.

Support further development

If you find this tool useful and wish to support its future development, you can do so by donating via PayPal.

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