Nintendo: "For Us, It's Not About Specs"

Nintendo: "For Us, It's Not About Specs"

by Gary Oldwood on 18 June 2016 · 1660 views

After Sony’s and Microsoft’s announcements for PS4.5/Neo and Xbox Scorpio, one would expect that Nintendo would move in similar levels regarding the technical specifications and performance of the upcoming Nintendo NX. From what it seems though, it’s not the time yet that we will see a powerful game console from the company.

This conclusion is reached from the statements of Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo America, in Bloomberg, who was clear that Nintendo does not care to compete with Sony and Microsoft in the hardware field.

“For us, it's not about specs, it's not about teraflops, it's not about the horsepower of a particular system. For us, it's about the content. We're focused on bringing our best entertainment to both the Wii U as well as the NX in the future. So for us, whatever Microsoft and Sony are doing in terms of talking about new systems, that's for them to fight out in that red ocean.”

So, we can see that Nintendo is holding tight from the values that first helped the company to dominate the gaming space for 25 years, but it’s clear that this space for the last 5 years belongs to its competitors.

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