Kim Kardashian's Hollywood App is Making $700,000 Per Day in the App Store
Most of us know Kim Kardashian as a Hollywood superstar that is famous mostly for being famous; initially because she acquired fame via a scandalous tape she did with singer Ray J. Obviously, she has come a long way since then with her own reality TV show and marrying Kanye West, and she seems to pop up in every celebrity magazine and website known to man at least two times per week.
This week Kim is making headlines yet again, but this time its for something very few people would have suspected. Kim has partnered with app developer Glu Mobile to release the “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” iPhone app, which is bringing in an absurd average of $700,000 per day since its release in late June.
Since then the game maker's shares (GLUU) have risen more than 30%, and the company CEO, Niccolo de Masi, rightfully attributes its tremendous second quarter success to the newly beloved Hollywood app.
Already Set to Break Records
According to some analysts, if the game continues making money at this rate it could gross an astonishing $200 million in its first year. However, it is impossible to predict whether the current level of growth can be sustained, and it will most likely taper down as the surrounding buzz quiets down.
Right now, Kim K's glorified dress-up app has already reached the fifth spot on the list of most downloaded apps in the iPhone App Store, right along with established giants like Candy Crush. If you want to hop on the bandwagon and try the app for yourself, it is free to download from the App Store, but keep in mind if you want to progress in the game you'll need to flex your wallet to bring your character to the next level of prestige.
Comical or Admirable?
Stephen Colbert has reportedly jumped on board the pandemonium and is supposedly going to be releasing his own app called “Stephen Colbert: I'd Tap That,” according to Eonline. Many of us find it comical that so many people are willing to spend so much on in-app purchases, but then again novelty games that involve characters customization seem to be the money-making craze nowadays.
From one perspective it is indeed hilarious that so many people would shell out this much cash on such a trivial game, but then again we're sure the owners of Glu Mobile and Kim Kardashian don't find it a laughing matter while they're laughing all the way to the bank!
How is the Game Making So Much Money?
The object of the game is simple - use character upgrades to improve your celebrity's image and gather more fans on your way from C-list to A-list celeb status.
Apparently players just can't get enough of the seemingly endless selection of virtual character upgrades, which include hairstyles, clothing, accessories, and even energy boosts to help them earn more points on the red carpet.
Allegedly, an editor at People magazine became addicted to the game after criticizing all of her friends and co-workers for spending their hard-earned money on character upgrades.