Hurry up, The Sleeping Prince game app is completely FREE for December only!

Hurry up, The Sleeping Prince game app is completely FREE for December only!

by Gary Oldwood on 11 December 2014 · 3902 views

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The Sleeping Prince: Royal Edition (by Signal Mobile) is a game which, as the title suggests, is loosely based on the Sleeping Beauty tale. Wait, wait, don’t close the tab, I’m not finished. So, as I was saying, the game uses a few elements from Sleeping Beauty but is in no way a girly game! In fact, it’s a hilarious game that uses the plot from the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale to turn it into the most hilarious story. But before jumping on to the game’s analysis, it’s important to mention that this game is available for free for December ONLY! It was the developers’ decision to give a gift to the costumers before the game turns to premium, which means you’ll have to pay to get it.

When it was first released, just like most freemium game apps, The Sleeping Prince also relied heavily on the In-app Purchases. Nothing out of the ordinary at this point. The problem was, that it used the IAP monetization maybe more than it should. To give you an example of what I mean I’ll tell you that if the player run out of magic necessary to move the prince around, they had to wait more than an hour for the magic to regenerate or pay $14.99 to have infinite magic. This led to many complains from the players who felt they were cheated into believing they were playing a free game but in reality they could hardly move forward without paying. But, just like the tales, this story had a happy end! The developers took notice of the complaints, and acting very professionally decided to strip the game off of all IAP! So, instead of the IAP, they have made the decision to offer the game for free throughout December in both iOS and Android devices, and after that period of time expires, it will no longer be for free. Having tried the game only for a bit when it still had the in-app purchases, and playing it now as well, I can say with 100% certainty that going this route was the best decision they could make. The game now truly shines and gives the player the outmost it can offer without the frustration that followed the previous release. Keep in mind that it’s not a lite version but the complete game, only without in-app purchases and ads. So get your hands on it while you can! It’s a very generous move from the developers and it shows how much they respect their costumers and their opinions. Not many game developers make such drastic changes when it comes to freemium apps, especially when it’s about the IAP, and judging from the reaction of the players, they too are grateful for being heard.

Game Description

9 full Hurry up The Sleeping Prince game app is completely FREE for December onlyOk, let’s go back to the game’s story. As I mentioned above it’s a hilarious retelling of the Sleeping Beauty tale, except there’s no Sleeping Beauty… only a prince… that is asleep. Did I confuse you? Allow me to explain better.

The story centers around Prince Perilous of the kingdom of Cloudreach that became a victim of an evil wizard’s spell, which put every last soul to an everlasting sleep, turning it into a dormant dreamland. Only the prince escap- oh no, he didn’t. He’s fast asleep as well! But that won’t stop him from going after the malevolent wizard Sydney Slime and save the people of Cloudreach. And just like all tales there’s a damsel in distress that needs to be saved, Princess Leona. Only you, the player can help the sleeping Prince break the spell and save the princess!

Through magic you can take control of the Sleeping Prince and throw, flick, and toss him through the castle, towers, gardens, and rooftops. Thank God, magic protects him and he has no idea what you’re making him do because hitting walls, falling from towers and stairs, and hanging from ropes is not a very healthy attitude. He is basically a rag doll, boneless. You will experience many moments that controlling the prince will be hard and the jumps won’t get him where you want. Expect many missed attempts while trying all these acrobatics. Getting used to controlling where his body goes can be tricky but you’ll get the grip of it real fast. All you have to do is use your fingers to tap and swipe in order to move his body. A fast swipe doesn’t get him far but a longer one will get him higher (if he’s jumping) or further (if he has to get over gaps). Tapping and holding the prince will help you have more precise control of his movements. Also, you will come across objects (like tents and mushrooms) that he can bounce off from or stick to them. On your way you will have to collect blue gems and stars.

The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 1

At the beginning of every level you are given goals to achieve: Clearing the round under a certain time limit, collecting a certain number of gems, and collecting the three stars that are scattered around. Achieving all of the goals gets you the Golden Metal, achieving 2 of the 3 gets you the Silver Medal, and achieving 1 gets you the Bronze Medal. If you fail in achieving even 1 of them you are asked to repeat the round.

Apart from gems you will come across treasure chests and by tapping them you’ll be rewarded with many gems. Power ups are also there to make things more interesting. We have the Queen for example, the Prince’s mother who helps you go up to pick gems and stars, or the King who helps you travel at great speeds and knock down walls. Needless to say, they both look and sound funny. To activate them you pay a small amount of gems. Leveling up also unlocks boost ups like the magnet that allows you collect all gems around you. I was surprised to see that the boost up remains for the whole round and doesn’t have a time limit like it happens with other games. Each level is more difficult than the previous. After clearing 5 rounds you reach a gate and to go through it you need to have a certain amount of medals (each gate asks for different types and numbers of medals). If you lack the medals you’ll have to play some rounds of your choice again until you get the necessary ones.

The game offers over 40 levels and each of them is different, although of course there are some similar backgrounds and places. You will also notice sleeping figures while exploring the castle, but not all figures are harmless. As you clear rounds you will at some point start to come across evil minions that will attack and you’ll have to defeat them. For that reason you will be given a sword to fight back.

The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 2 The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 3 The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 4 The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 5 The Sleeping Prince Screenshot 6

The Sleeping Prince Screenshots

The Sleeping Prince has amazing, crystal clear graphics and beautiful effects, funny storyline, good gameplay and it’s great for mobiles. I recommend this game to all of you as it is fun and relaxing, doesn’t anger you with IAP and it’s completely free to play. So, try it out while you still can! Take the advantage that the developers give you and enjoy this interesting game!

The Sleeping Prince: Royal Edition is available for free until the 31st of December on both iOS and Android devices:

Get The Sleeping Prince for iOS here.

Get The Sleeping Prince for Android here.

Note: Although the official site states that you must have internet connection to play, I tried it and I could play without it as well.

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