How to Set File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10

How to Set File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10

by Gary Oldwood on 23 August 2015 · 4241 views

Here is a short guide for changing where the File Explorer navigates to when you open it in Windows 10. By default, when you open File Explorer it takes you to the Quick Access window, but there is a way to change it and make it point to This PC instead.

Changing File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10

Doing this is very simple:

Step 1: Open File Explorer

First open File Explorer from the taskbar.

Changing File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10 Screenshot 1

Step 2: Go to the Options menu from the ‘View’ Tab

In File Explorer, navigate to the View tab and select Options.

Changing File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10 Screenshot 2

Step 3: Edit the ‘Open File Explorer’ Option

In the Options window, there is an option under the General tab called ‘Open File Explorer to’. You guessed it- that’s what you need to change in order for File Explorer to open up This PC instead of Quick Access, which is the currently set option.

So, change the option from Quick Access to This PC and click OK to save changes. That’s it! I told you, it’s a very easy procedure.

Changing File Explorer to Open ‘This PC’ Instead of ‘Quick Access’ in Windows 10 Screenshot 3

Unfortunately you can only set File Explorer to open either This PC or Quick Access, and no other window (e.g. a folder of your choice).

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Comments (3)
toshi's profile
toshi on 25 Aug 2015
@guelphnana What OS are you using? It sounds like you're using Windows 8/8.1, right?
kshu's profile
kshu on 25 Aug 2015
guelphnana, what version of Windows are you using? Windows 10 or 8, 8.1?

I personally use this shortcut pinned to taskbar and it saves me a lot of headache:

If you are referring to the "Desktop" app from the Start Screen in Windows 8, you can pin it back to the Start Screen by doing this:

1. On the Start Screen, click the arrow on the bottom left. This will open all apps.
2. Under letter D, you will find the app called Desktop. Right click on it and choose Pin to Start.

Once again, this will work in Windows 8, not in Windows 10. The tutorial above is for Windows 10 and totally unrelated to your question :).
guelphnana's profile
guelphnana on 25 Aug 2015
I did something in Settings and totally lost the Show Desktop icon on the Start screen. I also lost the Peek option that belongs in the very right bottom corner to the right of date and time. PLEASE help me get those back.
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