Habit Streak Plan Android Review

Habit Streak Plan Android Review

by Pete Daniel on 16 February 2015 · 3436 views

Habit Streak Plan is based around the rumored idea that Jerry Seinfeld came up with (he's since denied it). He was supposedly asked how he developed his comic success. He replied that he put up a wall chart and every day he spent a fixed amount of time working on his jokes for his standup routine and he would then cross off the day in the wall calendar when he had put the time in. His goal was to have as many red crosses in a row as possible for an uninterrupted flow of progress.

4 large Habit Streak Plan Android Review

The Habit Streak Plan takes this as the impetus for its app. Here you can add as many goals as you want and then monitor whether your manage to complete one part of them each day.

For instance, if you want to “Go out walking 30 minutes every day” then this would be setup as a daily habit to perform.

Report Progress

Each day the app will bring up the Report Progress screen to prompt the user on all of their habits that they wish to monitor.

The user should tick off which of the tasks they attended to the previous day and not tick the ones they didn't manage to do. Then tap the “I did these” button.

1 large Habit Streak Plan Android Review

If the app wasn't opened recently, then it will prompt for updated reports for each day it has missed.

It is also possible to tap the tick icon in the footer to report on that day's progress rather than wait until tomorrow to do it.

Main Screen

2 large Habit Streak Plan Android Review

The main screen displays each habit where it keeps a running total of how many times each habit was completed set against the total number of days. Depending on the level of success, a green bar under the habit will grow darker in color to indicate more progress is being made. The individual habit icon will also change to indicate which habits were completed yesterday.

The app looks equally good on a small smart phone or a large tablet display. 

Daily Tasks vs Sporadic Tasks

The app works best when the user has a series of habits that they wish to execute on “a little every day.” So for someone who wishes to exercise by walking 30 minutes, the app will be just fine. However, if they are going to the gym 3-4 times a week and that is the goal then they'll be days that they intentionally miss going to the gym after work. The app doesn't really cater for this very well. It is only designed for habits of tasks that can be broken down into daily accomplishments.

The developer has considered this and also created Task Life which lets users measure their progress on a larger task by percentage or piece meal rather than fixed to a daily progress schedule. This is a premium app on Android by very affordable and recommended for anyone who finds Habit Streak Plan useful.

Reminder Alarms

There app also has the option to set a little reminder alarm. It is no substitute for a full alarm package but it may still be useful to help begin a task to complete that new habit.


For anyone who has tasks they can break down into daily chunks and feel they would benefit from an effective tracking system, Habit Streak Plan is a free app that is ideal for this purpose. It also works on much older version of Android as well which few apps manage to do these days.

6 full Habit Streak Plan Android Review

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