Game Review: Monument Valley 2 (iOS, Android)

Game Review: Monument Valley 2 (iOS, Android)

by Chrisanna Lazaridou on 30 December 2017 · 4473 views

2 medium Game Review Monument Valley 2 iOS AndroidAfter gracing us with the first Monument Valley, back in 2015, and its undeniable success, the developers Ustwo Games, are now offering us a sequel and I couldn’t be happier. Let’s take a closer look to it and see what makes it stand out from its predecessor and if it is as good as the first. You can also find a detailed review about the first installment here.


Monument Valley 2 is an isometric perspective puzzle game. The goal is to guide Ro and her daughter through multi-level mazes, finding truths about life and experience a sweet mother-child relationship in the process. Elements of neo-surrealism and visual hallucinations require you to think before proceeding, but it must be stressed that the game can hardly be considered difficult. Character response to commands is slow, so quick reactions or continuous tapping on the touch screen are not required.

The characters Ro meets are abstract, but they give off friendliness and affection. The atmosphere, although it may resemble something of regret or loss, is in fact hopeful and what the ruins are trying to rebuild, thus demonstrating a light that closes the chapter.

Pricing & Availability

The game costs $5 in the Play Store and iTunes and doesn't include any in-app Purchases.

Graphics & Sounds

4 medium Game Review Monument Valley 2 iOS AndroidMusical choices also contribute to the atmosphere that the game presents. In-game movements are associated with melodies. Narratives or speeches are accompanied by seconds of either silence or atmospheric ambient. This creates the sense that in the world of Monument Valley, sound and matter encompass. For this reason, the use of good headphones is recommended. Artfully, the game is flawless, with intense colors-feast for the eye, without sharp changes. Therefore, newer display technologies are fully exploited. The graphics engine is lightweight and most Android and iOS systems can run without any problems.


Ustwo Games seems to be evolving with every production and moving on high-quality paths, so in my honest opinion think it is worth the money, even though the duration of a full playthrough is quite small. Monument Valley 2 is easy, but it's also a poem transferred to your screen. It is worth engulfing yourself into it and listening to it. I wish, of course, that any continuation of it has a longer duration and perhaps more difficulty. Let us know your thoughts and impressions in the comments below.

Download Monument Valley 2 for iOS here.

Download Monument Valley 2 for Android here.

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Monument Valley 2 screenshots (above) and trailer (below)

Comments (1)
kshu's profile
kshu on 30 Dec 2017
I love the atmosphere in this one! I just finished playing it a day ago and I found it easier than the first one, yet more subtle and nevertheless, pleasing :).

The mood I though was actually brighter than in the first game, with happy endings in both of course. Fingers crossed for an add-on or a sequel.
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