Game Review: Ayo: A Rain Tale - a game with an important message [Windows, Mac]

Game Review: Ayo: A Rain Tale - a game with an important message [Windows, Mac]

by Chrisanna Lazaridou on 19 November 2017 · 2847 views

4 medium Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows MacToday’s game review is about a very unique subject, the journey for clean water, that many people in Africa have to do in order to survive. Thus, Iknline created this indie game as a very important attempt to familiarize people with this matter because for the most of us, the daily use of clan water is something we consider an obvious right, but unfortunately that isn’t the case for people in other parts of the world.


Ayo is a young girl living in the Sub-Saharan African dessert, who must now travel alone to bring water from the well for her family. However, her journey is not an easy or pleasant one. In her way she will have to face dangers and the forces of nature that take a magical form. It is up to you to get her safely to her goal and back.


1 medium Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows MacAyo is a 2D side-scrolling puzzler in which the action you are tasked with performing are limited to walking in straight lines and jumping. As you progress you will acquire new powers such as digging, or pushing rocks, taught to you by friendly magical creatures, but mainly you will have to jump to reach platforms and to escape obstacles (e.g. thorny plants).

On your quest you will come across various locations each with a unique set of puzzles. The puzzles themselves are not difficult and the game as a whole won’t take more than 2-3 hours to complete. On every stage there are also symbols to collect but don’t worry if you can’t find everything on your first try.

In general, the game is very enjoyable, straightforward and while it might be rather simple for adults, it will definitely be loved by children.

Pricing & Availability

Ayo: A Rain Tale is available on the Mac App Store and Steam (Windows/Mac) for $9.99.

Graphics & Sounds

3 medium Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows MacAyo has gorgeous hand-drawn locations that depict the wild beauty of the sub-Saharan Africa, and I love the variety in colors. It is without argue a game filled with colors and liveness. Ayo herself is very cute and the animations very satisfying. The BG music is also depicting the tradition of Africa and fits the feel and atmosphere of the game perfectly.


In conclusion, Ayo: A Rain Tale is a game that conveys a powerful message through a beautiful journey and an enjoyable gameplay. Let us know your thoughts and impressions in the comments below.

Download Ayo: A Rain Tale on Steam here or Mac AppStore here.

1 thumb Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows Mac 2 thumb Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows Mac 3 thumb Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows Mac 4 thumb Game Review Ayo A Rain Tale  a game with an important message Windows Mac

Ayo: A Rain Tale screenshots (above) and trailer (below)

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