Forbidden Siren Now Available For The PS4

Forbidden Siren Now Available For The PS4

by Gary Oldwood on 17 June 2016 · 2950 views

1 large Forbidden Siren Now Available For The PS4

The classic PlayStation 2 survival horror game Forbidden Siren is available since a couple of days ago for the PS4, via the PlayStation Store.

The re-release of the title comes with some new features like Trophies, 1080p up-rendering, Shareplay, and Vita Remote Play. The story follows 10 characters trapped in Hanuda, a remote Japanese village outside time and space. Locals slowly get transformed into "shibuto" undread, serving a paranoid guy and his dark god.

The story is presented in a chronological order during three days, and survivors use sightjack, a skill that allows them to monitor what happens to any character that is within a relatively short distance. The title is available with a 25% discount for PlayStation Plus members, and the offer is valid until 21 June.

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