Edward Snowden's First Interview to an American TV Channel

Edward Snowden's First Interview to an American TV Channel

by Dan Vlasic on 23 May 2014 · 2032 views

1 full Edward Snowdens First Interview to an American TV Channel

Image Source NBC

The online media outlets are buzzing in anticipation of Edward Snowden's first interview to an American TV channel ever since his voluntary exile from the U.S. Yes, he did virtually attend South by Southwest forum, but a vis-à-vis interview with an American reporter is something we can savor for yet another year, just like it was with Snowden's Hong Kong interview.

NBC news anchor Brian Williams interviewed Edward Snowden and all the shooting is currently under revision at the editorial, and probably the NSA, but we will get to see the edited interview on NBC, May 28th, 10 PM Eastern Time.

Even though NBS are not saying much about the upcoming event, they do promise some more Snowden revelations in the hour-long interview. Moreover, we might see Snowden's long time mouthpiece Glenn Greenwald. My guess is the interview will resort to savoring the escape details, pondering about Snowden's motivation and his present life in Russia instead of more earth shattering spying revelations. Well, we just have to wait and see if it's worth an hour's time tolerating the likes of NBC. Even though the surveillance debate may get re-ignited with a new energy boost on American soil, my guess is our TV anchors will spoil it once again diving head over heels into Snowden's personal life. Alas, cybersecurity itself is not as cool to general public as the whistleblower's underwear.

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