Chrome 37 Beta for Mac Supports 64-bit Now Too

Chrome 37 Beta for Mac Supports 64-bit Now Too

by Pete Daniel on 2 September 2014 · 2172 views

Hot on the heels of the Windows release of Google Chrome 37 in 32-bit and 64-bit flavors as a stable release, Google Chrome Beta for Mac has been updated with a 64-bit version as well.

1 full Chrome 37 Beta for Mac Supports 64bit Now Too

This is the first opportunity for Mac users to enjoy using Chrome, an alternative to the stock Safari web browser from Apple, in a 64-bit configuration. It is not expected that the speed will be much improved, but the differences under the hood are a little more obvious. Things like video rendering on YouTube which uses the VP9 codec for High Definition YouTube videos rendering that is expected to be 15% faster, for instance.

Transitions from one page to the next and the use of different add-ons is likely to be smoother in execution during use. Stability may be less reliable initially as this is still a beta version for the Mac, but given time to mature later versions of this Chrome Beta for Mac are likely to see stability improvements overall too.

Given that most modern Mac systems are running as 64-bit versions now, when running a 32-bit versus a 64-bit version of software the latter uses less memory in the execution of the program tasks which is the clear benefit. Because of this, 64-bit software including Chrome Beta for Mac is expected to be less of a memory hog. Good news for Mac systems which tend to lack sufficient installed memory and often don't have the flexibility to add more later on.

Eventually it is expected that this new 64-bit version of Chrome for Mac will make its way from the Beta channel over to the main release channel as a stable release.

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