Battlefield 4 Shows Off Community-Created Video as fan support

Battlefield 4 Shows Off Community-Created Video as fan support

by Pete Daniel on 14 January 2015 · 3458 views

Whilst the game developer DICE are busy putting early ideas to work with their Star Wars: Battlefront game which matches the world developments included in the upcoming Star Wars movie, they took time out to appreciate the fans of the first person shooter community who had submitted some of their favorite Battlefield 4 player moments.

3 full Battlefield 4 Shows Off CommunityCreated Video as fan support

A Battlefield 4 video has just been released which includes the work of Dimitri Vangelis and Wyman X Steve Angello with gamers displaying Battlefield playing prowess combined with live concept performances into a seamless three minutes and 46 seconds of gamer delight.

The video clips from the Battlefield 4 playing community includes naval warfare slashes, incredible kill streaks, aerial dog fighting, and unexpected melee attacks mixed together with the incredible Payback track.

Gamers Were Asked by DICE To Submit Gameplay Video Clips

Gamers were asked by DICE four months ago to come up with some incredible gameplay moments, capture them and submit them. The Battlefield 4 experience continues for millions of gamers who still enjoy the multi-layered approach and continuing growth in the Battlefield titles over the preceding years. More content, perhaps an expansion pack, is expected as early as spring from DICE to support the gamer community still locked into Battlefield 4 warfare online.

Battlefield: Hardline

1 large Battlefield 4 Shows Off CommunityCreated Video as fan support

The current Battlefield title being worked on by Visceral Games who were behind the Dead Space series, is Hardline.

Hardline will take a different tack to previous Battlefield titles as it goes into a military focus with players able to control criminals or cops with two asymmetrical groups competing with new gaming modes. The new gaming modes create a much more fluid and dynamic experience to Battlefield which will be unleashed later in 2015.

Better Since Beta Testing Phase

The development of the game has been significantly improved since the early beta testing period which happened late in 2014. The developer, Visceral Games faced criticism from fans of the robust series who didn't like the way that the new game was playing in beta testing.

DICE Refocused on Star Wars Game

4 full Battlefield 4 Shows Off CommunityCreated Video as fan supportDICE has recently refocused their considerable resources towards the creation of Star Wars: Battlefield which is due to drop in the fall of 2015. It will include new developments in the epic Star Wars saga which will mirror the secret character development and plot line of the latest Star War movie.

More Details Coming

Further details about the gaming mechanics, vehicles and weapons in Battlefield: Hardline will be revealed soon, most likely at the E3 2015 trade show.

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