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iProtectYou Pro 8.8 32x32 pixels icon iProtectYou Pro 8.8
DBEXform 5.1.3 32x32 pixels icon DBEXform 5.1.3
Fresh UI 8.85 32x32 pixels icon Fresh UI 8.85
Internet filtering / parental control and network monitoring software that protects kids from harmful information on the Internet
DBEXform offers easy and efficient way to design forms, reports and charts for Sql database. The simplest way to make a small database software, is to drag and drop table to a new window and DBEXform creates interface and Sql queries for ready to run
Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/7/Vista/2000/NT/98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you will be glad to know.
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