Scientists Achieve Incredible Internet Speeds With Modern Tech Equipment

Scientists Achieve Incredible Internet Speeds With Modern Tech Equipment

by Pete Daniel on 4 August 2014 · 1921 views

1 full Scientists Achieve Incredible Internet Speeds With Modern Tech Equipment

Clever Danish scientists have broken the equivalent to the sound barrier with their latest improvements to network speeds over the modern internet. The team behind the record-breaking network speeds at the Technical University of Denmark (known as DTU) managed to create a network with data transfer speeds of 1TB (terabyte) per second.

To put this in some perspective, many PCs and Macbook Pro models only have between 500MB and 1TB of hard drive storage and usually even less if they're running more expensive but faster SSD storage devices.

The feat of network engineering was achieved using just a single laser transmitter and one optical fiber, which is the same as the internet uses today. Internet service providers could later utilize the same technology to boost their current maximum speed from 100 Gbps.

The current speeds of 100 Gbps could reach the lofty heights of 43 Tbps but the reality is that's the speed at the ISP and not at the doorstep as the internet connection reaches the home. Routers and internal network cards in most laptops are just not equipped yet to handle such speeds.

How Fast Is 1GB Per Second?

To put this in some perspective, a medium-sized 1GB movie would take just a second to receive making it possible to download hundred of movies in an hour. Songs or complete albums take even less time.

Goals of Researchers at Technical University of Denmark

The researchers are aware that internet data use is growing by up to 50% annually which is unsustainable going forward. Therefore their research is intended to find new ways to get more speed out of existing network solutions in order enable internet service providers to offer affordable, faster network connections to manage the growing data requirements.

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