HTC missed own public goal for 90-day Android Lollipop upgrade on One M7 & M8

HTC missed own public goal for 90-day Android Lollipop upgrade on One M7 & M8

by Pete Daniel on 6 February 2015 · 2011 views

HTC isn't the leader in the smart phone industry but it does well with its presence in certain Asian markets. Known for a slimmed down OS skin over the top of Android, slender phone models and a lack of that all important micro SD card expansion slot, you either love or hate the models they have to offer.

One area that they wanted to excel with was moving compatibility of their Android OS skin over to work with the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop version so that buyers who owned one of their more recent smart phone models could receive an upgrade to the latest version of Android even though the phone didn't originally come with that version.

1 large HTC missed own public goal for 90day Android Lollipop upgrade on One M7  M8

HTC set a goal to get ready for Android 5.0 Lollipop in less than 90 days. They went on Twitter and stated that they would updated both the HTC One M7 and the HTC One M8 in US markets within the 90 time-frame. Product manager Mo Versi started the timer for that 90 day ticking clock.

Well, 3 months later, and Versi had to go out publicly with egg on his face to announce on Twitter that whilst HTC had made some significant progress on the move to Android 5.0, they just weren't there yet. From the tweet it also didn't even sound like they were within a few days or a couple of weeks of offering the upgrade to HTC handset owners with either a HTC One M8 or M7 smart phone.

The deadline passed on February 1st. The post on the HTC site went further into the reasons why the update wasn't achieved in the time set by the company. The company has had a long standing policy of updating phones within 90 days of a new software revision but this wasn't possible in this case.

HTC claim that there have been some major issues on the roll out of the new software version (which has now seen two patches to version 5.0.2). This has caused problems with integrating the new version into the HTC ROM successfully without the current bugs causing a problem for its users.

Further software updates can be found by checking out the latest changes here.

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