Google Imrpves Search Results Regarding Medical Symptoms

Google Imrpves Search Results Regarding Medical Symptoms

by Gary Oldwood on 26 June 2016 · 1793 views

1 full Google Imrpves Search Results Regarding Medical Symptoms

Pretty much all of us have turned to Google’s search engine a couple of times (or maybe more), in order to obtain free information regarding a health problem we have (or think we have). Unfortunately (or fortunately), Google is not a doctor and most of the time a simple pain or itching may, according to the search results, result in... a deadly disease.

Google warns and encourages users to consult doctors and not to count on what they read on the internet, but nevertheless, it wants to improve the information that can be found regarding various symptoms.

In the next few days, the company will launch a new symptom search feature, which will appear in Google’s apps for iOS and Android devices. The user can enter a symptom in the search terms (e.g. pain outside of the knee), and tabs will be displayed listing possible causes. The information will be available through the Knowledge Graph and with the help of experts in Harvard Medical School and Mayo Clinic.

After the implementation of this feature in Android and iOS devices, it will also be implemented in computers as well.

[Source: Google]

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