Game Review: Switch Sides [iOS/Android]

Game Review: Switch Sides [iOS/Android]

by Chrisanna Lazaridou on 3 February 2017 · 2380 views

5 medium Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroidI love games that morph characters into cubes. They look absolutely adorable and of course ridiculous in the good sense. This is even better when there are famous characters added on the choices you have as it makes everything, even a difficult game, a lot more fun. Today’s review is about a game that features cute cube creatures and it is simple but hard at the same time. I’m talking about Switch Sides by studio Soulgame.


In switch Sides all you need to do is roll the cube towards the designated location that is marked as a square. It can’t get any more simple, can it? You move the cube by tapping on one of the four arrows that appear at the bottom of your screen and that’s it! Or so I would say if it didn’t go hand in hand with the difficulty, because who would want a game with no challenge despite how simple it is? Well, for starters the is a timer at the left of your screen that is reduced slowly but steadily and it only fills a bit when you position your cube at the square and immediately start a new round. It is inevitable that the timer will run out eventually and that is the only way you can lose. You can also pick golden cubes along the way which can slow you down if you want them all, and also obstacles such as rocks  that block the way and force you to take a turn, or ponds that make you move slower and more. Sometimes the square will be only 1-2 steps away from you and others it will be hidden on the other side of the level. As long as you keep in mind that it’s all gone when the timer runs out, you will enjoy this game a lot.

In-app Purchases

There are ads every so often after a game but you can remove them with an IAP. You can also watch ads to be able to open the gift that will reward you with precious diamonds, that can in turn be used to unlock more characters. The golden cubes you collect in-game also serve as the currency to open a gift.

4 medium Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroidCharacters can be purchased with diamonds but you are also given the option to buy them via IAP for $ 0.99 each. The more rare and special a cube is, the more diamonds you need to have in storage to unlock it. My personal favorite is none other than Cthulhu, being the Lovecraft fan I am. And it looks absolutely adorable, which is a paradox considering the true nature of this beast.

Graphics & Sounds

Switch Sides is very smooth with crystal-clear 3D graphics and beautiful colors. It really is a game you love staring at and as I mentioned in the introduction, the cubes are really cute and funny and each one has different colors and characteristics. The various worlds are also designed with detail and every single one is unique. The BG music is cheerful and adventures and fits the gameplay perfectly.


All in all, Switch Sides is a game that serves as a tool to relieve stress and kill some time with, and it does it well. It is very straightforward and simple, doesn’t have any weird mechanics and you know from the beginning that time is all that matters to advance. Surpassing your high score is a very delightful feeling too. My suggestion is to give it a chance and see for yourselves if it is your cup of tea. Let us know your thoughts and impressions in the comments below. 

Download Switch Sides for iOS devices here.

Download Switch Sides for Android devices here.

2 thumb Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroid 3 thumb Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroid 4 thumb Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroid 5 thumb Game Review Switch Sides iOSAndroid

Switch Sides screenshots (above) and trailer (below)

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