Evernote Is Finally Integrating The Handwriting Functionality On Android!

Evernote Is Finally Integrating The Handwriting Functionality On Android!

by Chad Faith on 12 March 2014 · 1930 views

After the acquisition of Penultimate – the forth best selling app for iPad – it was clear that Evernote had the potential to appeal to a wider base of users. A year after the $70 million purchase, Evernote finally announced their intentions of incorporating the handwriting functionality for Android devices.

1 medium Evernote Is Finally Integrating The Handwriting Functionality On Android

Why did it take so long?

Everyone who is familiar the company’s history can attest that after a period of focusing on growing its user base, Evernote invested a lot of resources to refocus and improve its products. Although the feature was already in place on the iOS, the developer team wanted to achieve more than parity with the iOS.

As Andrew Sinkow of Evernote confirms, they weren't looking to provide Android users with an additional input method; their intention was to offer them something that would enhance user experience. Despite the fact that the feature was in high demand and although Android tablets outsold Apple’s iPads, the only thing Android users can say now is “better late than never”.

The handwriting functionality opens a great deal of opportunities

It is important to note that the new feature is not your average input method, but rather a complete integration that fits in with the rest of the content perfectly. After all, you can seamlessly switch from typing to add a written commentary, equations or annotations and then go back to typing with just a few taps. Moreover, while taking notes you can use multiple colors, alter line thickness and all words you type are searchable, similar to the printed ones.

2 medium Evernote Is Finally Integrating The Handwriting Functionality On Android

What this means is that Evernote learned how to hone its best features and make them even more appealing to particular audiences. For instance, the handwriting functionality could come in handy to corporate and even educational audiences. Add the fact that their recent update has improved the editing of notes a great deal and you can understand why Evernote deserves a nomination for the ‘App of the Year’ in 2014.

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