Apple Stops Using Harmful Chemicals In Production of iPhones

Apple Stops Using Harmful Chemicals In Production of iPhones

by Pete Daniel on 14 August 2014 · 1982 views

Following wide-spread news coverage of lax protections for Chinese workers at factories making the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S, Apple has acted decisively by stopping the use of harmful chemicals Benzene and n-hexane in later stage manufacturing. Both were previously used near the end of the final assembly process.

Benzene and n-hexane are powerful chemicals that are now believed to cause nerve damage in those who handle them and may also eventually increase the likelihood of contracting one or more different types of cancer.

The change has only come into effect in the last week and is part of a sweeping programme of changes from Apple towards the factory workers who help to build their hi-tech gadgets under difficult conditions.

1 full Apple Stops Using Harmful Chemicals In Production of iPhones

Two Chemicals Removed From Final Stage Production

The removal of both chemicals at the final stages of production is an interesting decision from Apple because the tech giant conducted its own investigation over a four month period. It looked at 22 separate factories where some parts for their final products are manufactured or where the final products are assembled. There are over half a million workers who are employed at these factories. The chemicals were only discovered in four of these factories and believed to be at safe levels of exposure, but the iPhone maker decided to go ahead with the change anyway.

Activist Groups' Petitions Gets Attention From Apple

The investigation began one month after the activist groups, Green America and China Labor Watch put together petitions to urge Apple to no longer use these chemical in their production. Information was cited that US Environmental Protection Agency had stated that benzene is known to cause leukemia and connected blood-related problems, and n-hexane has connections to nerve damage.

Early Production Still Uses The Chemicals

Early production versions of new devices will still use the chemicals however but at lower volumes. The chemicals are not used directly, but are contained in cleaning solutions. Apple noted that they felt this meant they were taking a lead in reducing the use of harmful chemicals and were open to the idea of using greener chemical substances when they were available to do so.

Labor Violations

Apple has previously come under fire for labor violations at some of the factories where workers complained of low wages, excessively long working hours and poor conditions.

To its credit, Apple has carried out their own internal audits on the working conditions of the factories concerned. It is focused on ensuring good working conditions throughout their supply chain. However, it remains unclear if anything other than this chemical withdrawal decision has changed since the audit was completed.

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