Amazon Acquire Generic TLD .Buy for A Cool $4.6m Beating Google

Amazon Acquire Generic TLD .Buy for A Cool $4.6m Beating Google

by Pete Daniel on 18 September 2014 · 1799 views

After battling unsuccessfully so far to have an .amazon domain TLD created, Amazon have bought the controlling interest over the issuance of future .BUY generic TLD domains.

The purchase was made with just under $4.6 million and beat out several other suitors including Google who also wanted the e-commerce focused domain TLD for themselves.

6 full Amazon Acquire Generic TLD Buy for A Cool 46m Beating Google

Google also did not manage to acquire .VIP which went to Irish domain resellers Minds + Machines who bought it for just a little more than $3 million.

At least it is good to see that software and e-commerce driven large enterprises are not the only ones able to obtain the new generic TLDs that are managed by ICAAN. The governor of top level domains will be turning on a number of new generic domains so that the public and businesses can start to register domains using the new TLDs in a few months' time.

Amazon does have its detractors though apparently with some top level generic domains created to mock the e-commerce retailer that is getting into many areas beyond online e-commerce like tablets, phones, drones and a software app store for their Android derivative Fire OS., and are already owned by the company, and it will now have control over negative connotation registrations for domains using the .BUY generic TLD too.

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