10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didn't Know About

10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didn't Know About

by Gary Oldwood on 29 May 2017 · 3641 views

On the internet there are millions of different but interesting websites. When you’re looking for something specific, it is very easy to find the right website for it using a search engine, but here are some random websites that can prove to be quite interesting, to say the least.

Independence Day My Street

U.S. citizens probably know about this holiday, but for non-U.S. people, Independence Day is a national holiday in the United States. Every 4th of July, the United States Declaration of Independence is celebrated, which took place in 1776.

The website that you will see below, however, has nothing to do with this celebration. Instead, it refers to the homonymous film released in 1996, which is about an alien invasion. Independence Day is a great movie (watch it if you haven’t already), and its sequel was recently released, which was the occasion for the creation of the page to be described.

So, in Independence Day My Street you can see how your neighborhood, or any other place on the planet would look like after an alien attack.

2 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

Just enter the desired address and the website will “bomb” it. It should be noted that the process is completely safe and you do not have to make sure that you are away from your home at the time of the bombing.

A Good Movie to Watch

Speaking of movies and interesting websites, let’s take a look at the agoodmovietowatch. If you’re searching for hours before you come across a movie that sparks your interest, and wish that someone else could make that decision for you, you can give this website a try.

3 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

By simply clicking on the Random button, the website suggests a random movie for you to watch, based on absolutely no criteria.

The proposed movie is picked from a list of movies with high reviews, but they are less known to the general public. This increases the chances of having watched the suggested movie.

MT Everest in 3D

How many people in the world can claim to have climbed to Mt. Everest? Actually, nowadays it is so easy that everyone can do it- just visit MT Everest and click on Start the Climb.

4 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

A virtual 3D "tour" will start at the location of the highest peak in the world, where you can see the route followed by climbers and hear the sound of the wind.

Time and Date

If you wish to know what time and day it is, then you can just look at the bottom right corner of your computer screen- at least that’s what most Windows users do. But if you want a quick way to figure out how many days have passed from a certain event, you will need Time and Date.

This website accurately calculates how many years, months, and days have passed between two dates, and that’s how it won a place as an interesting website in this list.

So, let's say that you want to find out how many days have passed since the first screening of the first Lord of the Rings movie. Simply enter the corresponding dates and click on Calculate Duration.

1 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

Time and Date will inform you that Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring first came into theaters 5640 days ago, or 15 years, 5 months and 10 days ago.

On the right-hand side you can see the time in seconds, minutes, hours, and weeks. Additionally, the website has an option for counting only business days. This can be useful if you want, for example, to estimate in how many days a package will arrive.

10 Minute Mail

When creating accounts on different websites, most (if not all) of the time you are required to provide an email address so that you can confirm your registration.

However, it’s likely that you don’t want to hand out your main email address, either due to spam reasons or because you are not going to get involved with this website a lot.

That’s why 10 Minute Mail could not be missing from this list, as it is probably the most useful one and saves you from a lot of trouble on many occasions. It is a simple website that creates a temporary email address that lasts just 10 minutes. You can use this email address for anything that you want, and for the next 10 minutes you can normally send/receive messages and confirm your registration on various other websites.

5 full 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

Before the countdown is over, and if 10 minutes haven’t passed, you can extend the remaining time for the same address for another 10 minutes, by clicking the refresh button next to the counter, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

6 full 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

When the countdown reaches zero, the email address will be destroyed and lost forever.


Instructables belongs to the useful websites as it includes a huge collection of instructions and guides for anything that you may want to build. You just have to search for whatever you wish using the search box, and a large collection of DIY stuff will come up.

7 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

By clicking on the construction that you are interested in, you can find the necessary materials and tools that you need. The detailed instructions will guide you step-by-step in constructing the DIY item.


Geektyper is a way to fool friends and acquaintances, by pretending that you are hacking high-security systems in just a few seconds.

From the top of the website you can choose the desired background, and then you just have to start typing with fury. It doesn’t matter what you are typing- the website itself displays “hacker code” in the screen.

8 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

By hitting Enter at any point, you will receive an Access Denied message.

9 full 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

But you shouldn’t give up- continue typing Hollywood-style, smashing your keyboard more intensely. When you’re satisfied with what you wrote, press the Shift key and you will receive the Access Granted message.

10 full 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

Mission complete.

The folders on the right side of the page add an even more mysterious touch to the whole scene. If you wish to become even more convincing, just enter full-screen view by pressing F11.


If you want to try your skills as a DJ, you can visit Madeon to create your own mixes.

11 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

You can start by clicking on one of the blue boxes for the beat, and then proceed with the red and green boxes. You can switch boxes at any time, creating different music combinations. With the Share Mix button located at the bottom left corner, you can share your track.

Fake Name Generator

For those who write novels, or for those who want a new name for their fake ID, there is Fake Name Generator.

Things are very simple in this case: just enter the desired gender, the origin of the name, and the country that you wish your imaginary character to be from. Then click on Generate.

13 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

The page will automatically complete the rest of the information, such as phone number, birthday, profession, and even the password for the character’s imaginary email address.

The Faces of Facebook

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you joined all profile photos from Facebook in a single image? You probably didn’t, and neither did we, but it seems that somebody did.

Faces of Facebook illustrates exactly this: all of Facebook’s pages together.

12 large 10 Interesting Websites That You Probably Didnt Know About

No, your screen is not messed up- that’s how an image that includes all of Facebook’s profile photos looks like. By clicking anywhere on the page, the image will zoom in and you’ll be able to view the photos at that location clearly.

By clicking on any photo, you’ll get redirected to the corresponding Facebook profile. As you can see, as time passes, the number of users is constantly increasing.

Admittedly, however, this one's a very useless website. But hey, it’s quite original.

Of course, there are countless other interesting websites out there, and it is practically impossible to present them all in a single article. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, let us know by posting in the comments section below!

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