File & Disk Management

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Space Hound 4 4.0.1977 32x32 pixels icon Space Hound 4 4.0.1977
EF Find 25.03 32x32 pixels icon EF Find 25.03
NoClone 2014 6.1.45d 32x32 pixels icon NoClone 2014 6.1.45d
Sniff out wasted space with The Best Duplicate File Finder available. Space Hound 4 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are cluttering up your hard drive and causing problems. Uncludes File & Directory Management, Zip & Unzip, file Viewers.
EF Find is a powerful search program. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, TXZ, XZ, ZIP, Zip64, ZOO archives.
NoClone is a true duplicate file finder that can helps user to instantly find true duplicate files, duplicate folders, duplicate images,duplicate mp3 and duplicate outlook emails, what' more, which also can find a large amount of similar images.
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File & Disk Management

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Results: 211-240 of 402
DiskInternals Linux Recovery 2.7 32x32 pixels icon DiskInternals Linux Recovery 2.7
DiskInternals Linux Recovery will help you to recover the contents of Ext2/Ext3 partitions from Windows OS. Recover damaged or erased data, create virtual partitions, restore partition tables and use other features. The utility is absolutely free!
Freeware, Updated 3 February 2011
Last week

5.36 MB
Unreal Commander 4.21 32x32 pixels icon Unreal Commander 4.21
Unreal Commander - freeware unreal file manager. Characteristics: the two-panel interface; UNICODE support; search of files; synchronization of directories; support of archives, FTP client, folder tabs, support of WLX/WCX/WDX plugins and more...
Freeware, Updated 8 December 2024
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1.92 MB
PSRenamer 1.60 32x32 pixels icon PSRenamer 1.60
PSRenamer provides a graphical interface allowing a user to specify a folder and criteria for renaming a group of files. Provides preview and undo features.
Freeware, Updated 4 December 2014
Last week

4.84 MB
Ant Renamer 2.13.0 32x32 pixels icon Ant Renamer 2.13.0
Ant Renamer is a batch renaming package which can process complex renaming configurations on a set number of files or folders. The package won't win design awards but it is packed with renaming features.
Freeware, Updated 15 December 2024, Reviewed 18 May 2015
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1.23 MB
RegexRenamer 1.3.1 32x32 pixels icon RegexRenamer 1.3.1
RegexRenamer is a powerful user-friendly graphical tool used to batch rename files using regular expressions. Features realtime preview, filtering, case-changing, numbering, expression validation, network support, folder renaming, and regex tutorial.
Freeware, Updated 1 March 2025
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1.66 MB
Duplicatch 1.1 32x32 pixels icon Duplicatch 1.1
Analinx Duplicatch provides you with power to find and reliably identify duplicates (copies) of any file on your storage media not by its name or size, but by its content! Pictures could be optionally compared on the basis of their visual similarity!
Freeware, Updated 20 December 2016
Last week

2.62 MB
Partition Find and Mount 2.31 32x32 pixels icon Partition Find and Mount 2.31
Partition Find & Mount implements a new concept of deleted or lost partition recovery. It works in the most convenient way possible — by locating and mounting partitions into the system, making lost partitions available like any generic disk volume.
Freeware, Updated 1 March 2020
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1.65 MB
HDD Capacity Restore 1.1 32x32 pixels icon HDD Capacity Restore 1.1
HDD Capacity Restore is a freeware tool that allows you to restore full factory capacity of any hard drive. It recovers LBA48 modes, DCO and HPA.
Freeware, Updated 18 July 2007
Last week

479.67 KB
Largest Files Finder 1.2 32x32 pixels icon Largest Files Finder 1.2
"Largest Files Finder" is freeware that will find the largest 100 files on your hard drive, or within one or more subdirectories that you specify. For each file, you will see the file name, full folder path, file size and date of last change.
Freeware, Updated 19 May 2024
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0.63 MB
AIV BAD CD/DVD Reader 1.0 32x32 pixels icon AIV BAD CD/DVD Reader 1.0
It can copy data from scratched CDs and DVDs.It comes with some advanced facilities like copying whole CD/DVD in a single click.Folders can also be copied easily.It can eject tray of CD/DVD drive and vice versa.
Freeware, Updated 8 January 2024
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2.38 MB
Duplicate File Hunter 3.0 32x32 pixels icon Duplicate File Hunter 3.0
How many file duplicates are there on your computer? You don't know, but you regularly come across copies of files, right? There are various reasons why duplicates appear, but no matter what these reasons are there is not much sense in storing them.
Freeware, Updated 31 January 2023
Last week

0.75 MB
RenameWand 2.2 32x32 pixels icon RenameWand 2.2
Simple command-line file and directory renamer. Use a friendly and intuitive but powerful syntax (like regex, only much easier) to rename files and directories. Perform string, arithmetic, enumeration operations, insert timestamps, and more!
Freeware, Updated 28 January 2025
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86.35 KB
SoftwareMedicine File Eraser 1.02 32x32 pixels icon SoftwareMedicine File Eraser 1.02
Now you can download free file eraser with SoftAmbulance quality and support! SoftAmbulance Free Eraser is a program for completely and irrevocably files erase. After using SoftAmbulance an uneraser could recover only filenames. But nothing more!
Freeware, Updated 20 February 2021
Last week

449.45 KB
Sync 2.1 32x32 pixels icon Sync 2.1
Sync is a simple command-line utility for performing one-way directory or file synchronization. It synchronizes the specified target to match the specified source. Only the target is modified. Free software written in Java.
Freeware, Updated 26 January 2025
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74.56 KB
Data Recovery using ADRC Software 1.02 32x32 pixels icon Data Recovery using ADRC Software 1.02
Data Recovery using ADRC Tools which contains a collection of DIY recovery tools that supports a wide variety of drives and file systems. It includes tools such as Undelete, Copy Files, Raw Copy, Image Backup and Restore and also a Boot Builder.
Freeware, Updated 8 May 2016
Last week

44.56 KB
Swiss File Knife 32x32 pixels icon Swiss File Knife
Command line tool for daily tasks. Find text in files, dir tree size, filter and replace text, instant http/ftp server, find duplicate files, join files, md5 lists, run a command on all files, detab, hexdump. no installation, ideal for usb stick.
Freeware, Updated 26 October 2024
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2.80 MB
Fsum Frontend 32x32 pixels icon Fsum Frontend
This is a Windows frontend for the fsum command line utility by Slavasoft.
Freeware, Updated 28 February 2025
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0.63 MB
Namexif 2.3 32x32 pixels icon Namexif 2.3
Namexif is a tool to automatically rename photos or videos with the date they were shot. Digital cameras have their own clock and record the date to each photos with a precision of a second. Namexif uses these data to rename photo filenames.
Freeware, Updated 5 October 2023
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0.71 MB
FourTidy 3.1 32x32 pixels icon FourTidy 3.1
To tidy, sort, prune and dedup a JP Software Take Command/TCC/4NT/4DOS hidden descript.ion file. These files are used by the DESCRIBE utility to track what your various files are for.
Freeware, Updated 11 November 2016
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0.52 MB
Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15 32x32 pixels icon Smart CD Catalog Lite 2.15
With Smart CD Catalog Lite, you can fast and easily find the needed disk, folder and file and view the contents of your disks without inserting them into the CD drive!
Freeware, Updated 11 November 2020
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5.51 MB
HDD Health 4.2 32x32 pixels icon HDD Health 4.2
HDD Health with SSD drives support is a full-featured failure-prediction agent for machines using Windows 95, 98, NT, Me, 2000 and XP. Sitting in the system tray, it monitors hard disks and alerts you to impending failure.
Freeware, Updated 7 June 2012
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0.95 MB
FileList 4.1.1 32x32 pixels icon FileList 4.1.1
FileList is a command line utility that produces a list of files of the given path in CSV format, which can be imported into a spreadsheet or database. The list includes the file name, size, path, last access and change date, etc.
Freeware, Updated 24 August 2018
Last week

3.11 MB
Advanced Renamer 3.94 32x32 pixels icon Advanced Renamer 3.94
Advanced Renamer is a batch renaming package that can rename files and folders. It has special features for MP3 audio files using its EXIF meta data, image files have thumbnail previews and GPS city look-up, whilst other files types get ample help.
Freeware, Updated 28 December 2024, Reviewed 18 May 2015
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12.36 MB
Ariolic Disk Scanner 1.5 32x32 pixels icon Ariolic Disk Scanner 1.5
Disk Scanner is a free utility to check the hard drive for read errors. It makes a raw sector read check of the hard drive and shows the result as a picture of your disk, where the bad clusters marked, so you can see status of your disk at a glance.
Freeware, Updated 4 February 2014
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0.52 MB
concat 32x32 pixels icon concat
ConCat/Split is a Windows Explorer context menu extension that provides complementary facilities to split a large file into smaller chunks and join them back together again.
Freeware, Updated 1 August 2024
Last week

5.30 MB
DiskInternals Boot CD 1.3 32x32 pixels icon DiskInternals Boot CD 1.3
Create a bootable CD with Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server CD and a full set of DiskInternals recovery tools. Recover your hard drive by booting into familiar operating system with handy access to data recovery tools.
Freeware, Updated 3 February 2011
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29.45 MB
EMCO UnLock IT 6.1.1 32x32 pixels icon EMCO UnLock IT 6.1.1
UnLock IT is a free utility used to unlock files and folder locked by applications or system processes. It allows you to detect processes that lock a resource and unlock it by closing handles to the resource or kill the processes that hold locks.
Freeware, Updated 22 December 2021
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66.19 MB
FileSieve3 3.00 32x32 pixels icon FileSieve3 3.00
FileSieve is an application created to help with the sorting of files and directories. Select the directories you would like to sort, choose a sorting method, and then click on Start and FileSieve will "sieve" the selected items.
Freeware, Updated 15 February 2020
Last week

400.43 KB
Infinite Monkeys 1.00 32x32 pixels icon Infinite Monkeys 1.00
An infinite numbers of monkeys with typewriters could write all of Shakespeare's works. That's how the saying goes. So, is it true ... ?
Freeware, Updated 14 June 2020
Last week

167.44 KB
Easy Shred 1.00 32x32 pixels icon Easy Shred 1.00
Easy Shred is an extremely light weight solution for permanently removing files from your PC. Files and folders can be shredded by either dragging or dropping over the Easy Shred icon or by right clicking and selecting from the menu.
Freeware, Updated 8 July 2022
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Last week

323.93 KB
Results: 211-240 of 402