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OPSEC Covert Comm 2.42 32x32 pixels icon OPSEC Covert Comm 2.42
IIS Backup 32x32 pixels icon IIS Backup
OPSEC is a professional trusted emailing solution designed to send highly encrypted email and attachments without ever touching an SMTP server. Covert and reliable, OPSEC ensures online privacy.
The IIS Backup Utility enables you to backup all your IIS settings, including the complete list of web sites and all associated virtual paths and permissions, to an XML file. This XML file can then be used to selectively restore the sites. POP3 too.
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Results: 1-5 of 5


XAMPP 8.2.12-0 / 8.1.25-0 / 8.0.30-0 / 7.4.33-0 / 7.3.33 32x32 pixels icon XAMPP 8.2.12-0 / 8.1.25-0 / 8.0.30-0 / 7.4.33-0 / 7.3.33
XAMPP is an incredibly comprehensive means of distribution for Apache servers. XAMPP contains Pearl, PHP and MySQL in order to facilitate web server testing at a local level, regardless of the coding method chosen. The obvious advantage XAMPP brings
Freeware, Updated 1 December 2023, Reviewed 15 September 2011
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148.50 MB
WampServer 3.3.2 32x32 pixels icon WampServer 3.3.2
WAMPServer is a useful package that can install Apache web server, MySQL, and PHP language engine in a single installation. It comes with a control system to manipulate the running hosting systems to turn them on/off when needed.
Freeware, Updated 1 February 2024, Reviewed 27 February 2015
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320.09 MB
Core FTP Mini SFTP Server 2.34 32x32 pixels icon Core FTP Mini SFTP Server 2.34
Core FTP Mini SFTP Server is a limited miniature version of Core FTP that provides basic SFTP transfer functionality. This application facilitates the secure transfer of files from one computer to another via SSH/SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol).
Freeware, Updated 19 September 2024, Reviewed 8 May 2012
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1.26 MB
FileZilla Server 1.9.1 32x32 pixels icon FileZilla Server 1.9.1
FileZilla Server is a compact FTP (file transfer protocol) software that allows you to convert any Windows computer into an FTP server, thereby allowing you to upload or download data to and from your PC from anywhere.
Freeware, Updated 10 September 2024, Reviewed 22 November 2011
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2.06 MB
PostgreSQL 16.4 / 15.8 / 14.13 / 13.16 / 12.20 / 11.22 / 10.2 32x32 pixels icon PostgreSQL 16.4 / 15.8 / 14.13 / 13.16 / 12.20 / 11.22 / 10.2
PostgreSQL is a SQL database solution that can provide robust databases that can be accessed programmatically via numerous programming languages. It is a free option, similar to MySQL, that is worth strong consideration over commercial offerings.
Freeware, Updated 9 August 2024, Reviewed 27 March 2015
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356.89 MB
Results: 1-5 of 5