MP3 Audio Video

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OpenCloner UltraBox 2.90.236 32x32 pixels icon OpenCloner UltraBox 2.90.236
VinylStudio for Windows 7.5.2 32x32 pixels icon VinylStudio for Windows 7.5.2
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 32.55 32x32 pixels icon Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 32.55
OpenCloner UltraBox is all-in-one software to copy, rip and burn DVD/Blu-ray movies. It also enables you to download/capture online movies and convert them to various video and audio formats.
VinylStudio makes it easy to convert your records and tapes to CD, MP3 and other formats. It provides all the tools you need, including a full set of sound cleaning filters.
Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one MP3, FLAC, WMA and WAV tagger application. It has several modules such us Zortam Auto tagger, Audio Organizer, ID3 Tag Editor, Mp3 Player, Mp3 Normalizer, BPM Analyzer.
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