ComponentAce Barcode .NET Icon

ComponentAce Barcode .NET 1.00

Developed by - Windows - setup file (1.30 MB) - Shareware
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MD5: 78c325db0548fd143ceec6cafe9e37ff

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Developer Description

".NET class library for barcode generation"

ComponentAce Barcode .NET is a lightweight and flexible .NET class library which lets you easily add high-quality barcode imaging and printing capabilities to your .NET applications.

ComponentAce Barcode .NET features:


Automatic checksum calculation for all supported symbologies
Optionally scales barcode image to fit specified size
Can automatically resize the barcode according to specified XDimension (the width of the narrowest bar) and Wide To Narrow Ratio properties
Barcode rotation support

.NET Technology

100% managed code, completely written in C#
Error handling exclusively through .NET exceptions
Strong named assembly
Design-time support
Includes WinForms control to add barcode imaging to your Windows application
Includes a class which lets you to draw barcode images on a Graphics object in Console, WinForms or ASP.NET applications without creating the WinForms control
Can be used in any .NET language (C#, VB.NET, Managed C++)
Can be used in WinForms, Console and Web applications
Intellisense support

Installation and Deployment

Automatic Visual Studio toolbox installation
Single assembly to deploy
Simple XCopy deployment


Licensed per-developer
Full source code is available

Requirements: .NETframework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5

What's new in this version: First release

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested ComponentAce Barcode .NET on 21 May 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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