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Crossword Forge 7.3 32x32 pixels icon Crossword Forge 7.3
Annotated Chinese Reader 2.34 32x32 pixels icon Annotated Chinese Reader 2.34
Wellness 4.6 32x32 pixels icon Wellness 4.6
Create high quality puzzles, both crossword and word search puzzles. It quickly generates puzzles from your words for the web, print, and PDF. Support for building foreign language and mult-lingual puzzles (Spanish, French, German, Japanese etc.)
Click to Display Annotated Chinese Stream. Online Chinese-English dictionary. Convenient tool for reading Chinese text. HanZi definition, parts decomposition, stroke order, pronounciation - All is just 2 clicks away! Also used to Listen to web.
Wellness Software lists 303 afflictions and features herbs, homeopathy, color therapy, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, tonics, first aid, and natural remedies and strengtheners of the immune-system. For educational use only.
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Trapster for iPhone 5.4 32x32 pixels icon Trapster for iPhone 5.4
Trapster is an advanced and highly customizable application for the iOS 3.0 and newer which comes free of charge and is able to help you track the location of traffic police traps in your proximity, as well as other hazards and points of interest.
Freeware, Updated 5 May 2014, Reviewed 25 July 2012
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