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Crossword Forge 7.3 32x32 pixels icon Crossword Forge 7.3
Annotated Chinese Reader 2.34 32x32 pixels icon Annotated Chinese Reader 2.34
Wellness 4.6 32x32 pixels icon Wellness 4.6
Create high quality puzzles, both crossword and word search puzzles. It quickly generates puzzles from your words for the web, print, and PDF. Support for building foreign language and mult-lingual puzzles (Spanish, French, German, Japanese etc.)
Click to Display Annotated Chinese Stream. Online Chinese-English dictionary. Convenient tool for reading Chinese text. HanZi definition, parts decomposition, stroke order, pronounciation - All is just 2 clicks away! Also used to Listen to web.
Wellness Software lists 303 afflictions and features herbs, homeopathy, color therapy, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, tonics, first aid, and natural remedies and strengtheners of the immune-system. For educational use only.
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Results: 181-210 of 621
Animated Books of the Bible 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Animated Books of the Bible 1.0
A fun way for children (and adults) to learn the books of the Bible. Covers both the old and new testaments. Easy and hard levels. Has 12 different animated rewards.
Freeware, Updated 5 May 2012
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1.15 MB
Pregnancy Kal 'C' 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Pregnancy Kal 'C' 1.0
A cool tool for pregnant womens. Your companion during pregnancy. The software calculates your due date based on your last due date. You get a detailed day by day report about the progress of the child
Freeware, Updated 19 August 2013
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3.26 MB
Clic Music Notes HN 1.02 32x32 pixels icon Clic Music Notes HN 1.02
Click Music Notes HN is a learning mouse game for kids. To play, you must click on the notes and turn them into animals. The speed of moving notes can be set to 0 (immobile) to 100 (unplayable, even for parents!).
Freeware, Updated 18 April 2014
Last week

3.95 MB
Valentine HN 1.1 32x32 pixels icon Valentine HN 1.1
Send all your favorite people a free musical Happy Note! Valentine: a delightful little program that has two little hearts dance and bounce about your screen to a lively tune: when they bump into each other, they exchange a kiss!
Freeware, Updated 4 May 2012
Last week

3.25 MB
Type TV Show 7.0 32x32 pixels icon Type TV Show 7.0
See your Personality Type, understand yourself and others better. The Type TV Show animates Carl Jung's Psychological Types and the 16 Myers and Briggs Personality Type Codes.
Freeware, Updated 29 October 2017
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1.67 MB
Electric Field 2.01 32x32 pixels icon Electric Field 2.01
You can see invisible electric field - if you use "Electric Field". It is an excellent tool forvisualizing electric field and equipotential lines. Visibility of field line and potential surface depends on their magnitude.
Freeware, Updated 26 September 2021
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0.81 MB
Ideal Gas in 3D 2.01 32x32 pixels icon Ideal Gas in 3D 2.01
You can see ideal gas molecules in 3D if you use "Ideal Gas in 3D". It can help you to understand molecules motion, Boyle's law, Charles law and Maxwell distribution.
Freeware, Updated 26 September 2021
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0.72 MB
Universal Mechanism Lite 4.0 32x32 pixels icon Universal Mechanism Lite 4.0
The program is intended for simulation of kinematics and dynamics of planar and spatial mechanical systems. The program is intended for using by students and teachers for educational purposes as well as design engineers for express analysis.
Freeware, Updated 24 August 2022
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17.41 MB
Alergy Testing Software 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Alergy Testing Software 1.0
Software to check which particular substance is causing allergy. 1. Get the composition of each substance present in food 2. Find the combinations which can causes the allergy 3. Check if the substance is an alergen
Freeware, Updated 19 August 2013
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100.00 KB
Peso Ideal 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Peso Ideal 1.0
Saiba qual é sua faixa de peso ideal e veja se precisa perder peso ou não. 70% das mulheres iniciam programas de dieta e reeducação alimentar sem a menor necessidade por pura e simples neurose. Entre com sua altura e verifique se está no peso ideal.
Freeware, Updated 13 February 2015
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263.87 KB
Astroccult Chaughadia Muhurta Calculator 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Astroccult Chaughadia Muhurta Calculator 1.0
100% free software to calculate accurately Chaughadia Muhurtas. In Vedic Astrology, Chaughadia Muhurtas are an effective method to find out the intra-day auspicious times to start a new venture / project or begin an important / auspicious work.
Freeware, Updated 5 August 2020
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0.55 MB
multiFASTA to FASTA converter 1.2.2 32x32 pixels icon multiFASTA to FASTA converter 1.2.2
www.DNABaser.com This freeware program will split a (biology) multi-FASTA file in multiple standard FASTA files. Other software: Affordable DNA Baser is useful for assembly of DNA sequences and generation of contigs.
Freeware, Updated 23 July 2021
Last week

16.80 MB
Salmos 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Salmos 1.0
Salmos de la Bíblia - Accede a todos los salmos de la Biblia - salmo 91, salmo 23, salmo 90 e más. El libro de los Salmos es un libro bíblico con 150 capítulos. Los ensayos de este libro se consideran poemas religiosos alabanzas y oraciones.
Freeware, Updated 20 May 2018
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454.10 KB
VHS, CRS, BVA 1.1 32x32 pixels icon VHS, CRS, BVA 1.1
Calculation of a rating scale and notes. Add and manage custom rating scales to make your work easier and faster.
Freeware, Updated 28 June 2014
Last week

507.68 KB
Learning Periodic Table 1.5a 32x32 pixels icon Learning Periodic Table 1.5a
Interactive periodic table of chemical elements, you can display element properties by moving a mouse cursor. Included element properties: English and Latin name, symbol, proton number, electron configuration, electronegativity, phase, metal/nonmetal
Freeware, Updated 22 April 2013
Last week

36.17 KB
MemoryLifter 2.4.1 32x32 pixels icon MemoryLifter 2.4.1
Broaden your knowledge with this free multimedia educational software based on the tried-and-true Leitner flashcard system.
Freeware, Updated 21 April 2012
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13.93 MB
VisualDivX 0.85 32x32 pixels icon VisualDivX 0.85
This handy cataloguer is very useful for creating a list of your movies quickly and to get the details of every one automatically using a database available on the net.
Freeware, Updated 6 April 2013
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15.27 MB
DXsoft TrackLog 1.20 32x32 pixels icon DXsoft TrackLog 1.20
GPS log-maker. Software create *.plt track file, *.rte route file and, optionally, NMEA-log file.
Freeware, Updated 7 May 2016
Last week

91.30 KB
Free metronome u1v2 32x32 pixels icon Free metronome u1v2
Free metronome from GCH Guitar Academy. covers a range of 40 to 160 bpm with 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 time. Ideal for practising with. This metronome is brought to you completely free, by GCH guitar Academy (http://www.guitar-a cademy.com).
Freeware, Updated 28 November 2014
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6.30 MB
Losing Belly Fat For Women . 32x32 pixels icon Losing Belly Fat For Women .
Losing Belly Fat For Women - The best and fastes way to lose belly fat for women.Shocking foods that burn belly fat, so-called "health" foods that you should NEVER eat (they can actually increase stomach fat) Visit: www.losingbellyfatfo rwomen.com
Freeware, Updated 3 November 2014
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1.70 MB
keyboard trainer Alizee 2.4 32x32 pixels icon keyboard trainer Alizee 2.4
Small and simple keyboard trainer. I hope that with help of this keyboard trainer - you will increase you typing speed. In this program you must write Merphy Laws. When you do this - you can see how many letters in a minute you typing.
Freeware, Updated 19 November 2022
Last week

116.00 KB
Numeri primi 1.0.0 32x32 pixels icon Numeri primi 1.0.0
Factorization and primality of numbers. With this small software you can factor any number or whether it is a prime number. The interface is very simple and friendly with a high calculation speed.
Freeware, Updated 5 April 2013
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83.00 KB
GooglR Translate Desktop 2.1.88 32x32 pixels icon GooglR Translate Desktop 2.1.88
GooglR Translate Desktop is free desktop text translators based on google translate online. This freeware is widely used on email writings, document writings, business communications, foreign articles readings and kids' education.
Freeware, Updated 27 November 2020
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332.00 KB
Promote Geotagging Suite 1.0 32x32 pixels icon Promote Geotagging Suite 1.0
Promote Geotagging Suite locates non-geotagged images and updates their positions from another image taken at the same location, or within a certain timespan. You can choose to copy existing geotag, or use Smart-Fill algorithm to geotag your images.
Freeware, Updated 31 March 2012
Last week

1.15 MB
Rubber Stamps - Stamping - Scrapbooking 1.01 32x32 pixels icon Rubber Stamps - Stamping - Scrapbooking 1.01
Rubber Stamps - Stamping - Scrapbooking 1.01 is a stamping and scrapbooking tool which will allow the user to see rubber stamps, stamping ideas, and scrapbooking gallery pages. Perfect for a quick look at new rubber stamps and stamping supplies.
Freeware, Updated 29 March 2012
Last week

28.00 KB
Antiprism 0.21 32x32 pixels icon Antiprism 0.21
Antiprism polyhedron modelling software: create, transform, analyse, and visualise polyhedra. Includes an extensive collection of named polyehedra, tranformation and colouring of models, tools for analysis, support for working with symmetry.
Freeware, Updated 1 January 2014
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3.63 MB
Azkar 2.0 32x32 pixels icon Azkar 2.0
Display Muslim daily Azkar (GOD Blessings) at optional preset periodic times and messages. Display messages as customizable Balloons or animated Transparent Windows positinable anywhere on the screen.
Freeware, Updated 23 March 2012
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14.86 MB
Bitobit Compolife 1.03 32x32 pixels icon Bitobit Compolife 1.03
This programm collects various statistics about your computer. For example how many keys were pressed or how many times you clicks with your mouse. Bitobit CompoLife is easy to use - you start the programm and it does all other things itself.
Freeware, Updated 8 January 2022
Last week

306.17 KB
Caucasus_Mountain02-scr 1 32x32 pixels icon Caucasus_Mountain02-scr 1
Screensaver Russian Caucasus. Screensavers and Desktop Themes for Windows. The Best collection of Screensavers and Desktop Themes anywhere! This cool screensaver features new polished Windows Vista with its eye-catching graphics. Put it on your deskt
Freeware, Updated 14 January 2014
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3.12 MB
Recipe4win 1.2.1 32x32 pixels icon Recipe4win 1.2.1
Recipe4win lets you navigate through thousands recipes from the Recipe4all.com database with a neat interface. It allows you to search recipes by keywords, by ingredients, or by geography.
Freeware, Updated 11 February 2023
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321.93 KB
Results: 181-210 of 621