Business & Finance

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Small Business Advisor 2014.Q2 32x32 pixels icon Small Business Advisor 2014.Q2
Unicorn Daybook 2016.8.31.0 32x32 pixels icon Unicorn Daybook 2016.8.31.0
DBEXform 5.1.3 32x32 pixels icon DBEXform 5.1.3
Small Business Advisor is the front-end software for the million-selling 'Starting and Operating a Business in ....' (California, Ohio, etc.) book series, by a Harvard lawyer and CPA, now available in electronic editions for all 50 states, D.C..
An easy to use desktop calendar to manage your appointments, tasks & daily notes. As well, keep a daily journal with the daily notes function. Calendar can be displayed in a 1Day, Work week (5 day), Week (7 day), Month, or Custom view.
DBEXform offers easy and efficient way to design forms, reports and charts for Sql database. The simplest way to make a small database software, is to drag and drop table to a new window and DBEXform creates interface and Sql queries for ready to run
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