Business & Finance

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Foxit Reader 32x32 pixels icon Foxit Reader
RationalPlan Multi Project 6.1 32x32 pixels icon RationalPlan Multi Project 6.1
Unicorn Daybook 2016.8.31.0 32x32 pixels icon Unicorn Daybook 2016.8.31.0
Foxit Reader's success and popularity has resulted over 560 million users, making it the second most used PDF technology in the industry.
RationalPlan Multi Project is a powerful project management software capable of handling multiple interrelated projects and covering project management areas starting with WBS construction, project planning and scheduling to progress tracking etc.
An easy to use desktop calendar to manage your appointments, tasks & daily notes. As well, keep a daily journal with the daily notes function. Calendar can be displayed in a 1Day, Work week (5 day), Week (7 day), Month, or Custom view.
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