Clean -
Clean -
Clean -
Clean -
Detailed logs

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# Number of scanned files: 755
# Number of scanned folders: 0
# Number of infected files: 0
# Total size of scanned files: 40230415
# Virus database: 140427-1, 04/27/14
# Total scan time: 0:0:3

Copyright (c) 1992 - 2012 AVG Technologies
Program version 2013.0.3469, engine 2013.0.3722
Virus Database: Version 3722/7402 2014-04-27
Test started: 28.4.2014 2:23:18
Duration of test: 2 second(s)
Objects scanned : 1
Found infections : 0
Found rootkit : 0
Found high severity : 0
Found med severity : 0
Found info severity : 0
Fixed rootkit : 0
Fixed high severity : 0
Fixed med severity : 0
Fixed info severity : 0

Copyright (c) 2010 by Avira GmbH
All rights reserved.
engine set:
VDF Version:
Scan start time: 4/28/2014 5:23:01 AM
Command line: g:\scancl.exe --nombr --showall --verboselog /a /z /s --log=d:\scanner\output.tmp d:\scanner\downloads\205099\insidecat500lite.exe
configuration file: g:\scancl.conf
Date: 28.04.2014 Time: 05:22:41 Size: 9424511
Statistics :
Directories............... : 0
Archives.................. : 1
Files..................... : 753
Infected.............. : 0
Warnings.............. : 0
Suspicious............ : 0
Infections................ : 0
Time...................... : 00:00:05

; --- Settings ---
; Action on detect: Disinfect automatically
; Scan objects: All objects
; Use iChecker: No
; Use iSwift: No
; Try disinfect: No
; Try delete: No
; Try delete container: No
; Exclude by mask: No
; Include by mask: No
; Objects to scan:
; "insidecat500lite.exe" Enable = Yes Recursive = No
; ------------------
2014-04-28 05:23:07 Scan_Objects$209942 running 50%
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2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 650jpg.jpg ok
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2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 652jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 654jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 655jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 656jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 657jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 658jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 659jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 662jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 663jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 664jpg.jpg ok
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2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 668jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 669jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 670jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 671jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 672jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 673jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 674jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 675jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 676jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 677jpg.jpg ok
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2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 679jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 683jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 684jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 685jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 687jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 688jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 689jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 690jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 691jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 693jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 694jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 695jpg.jpg ok
2014-04-28 05:23:11 insidecat500lite.exe//data0049//PICT0008JPG.jpg ok
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2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0061 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0062//# ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0062 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0063 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0064//# ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0064 ok
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2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0066 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0067 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0068//# ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0068 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe//data0069 ok
2014-04-28 05:23:12 insidecat500lite.exe ok
2014-04-28 05:23:16 Scan_Objects$209942 completed
; --- Statistics ---
; Time Start: 2014-04-28 05:23:07
; Time Finish: 2014-04-28 05:23:16
; Completion: 100%
; Processed objects: 341
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; Deleted: 0
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; Archived: 6
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; Password protected: 0
; Corrupted: 0
; Errors: 0
; Last object:
; ------------------

ECLS Command-line scanner, version 6.0.316.0, (C) 1992-2013 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Module loader, version 1050 (20140409), build 1070
Module perseus, version 1425 (20140402), build 1615
Module scanner, version 9729 (20140427), build 18049
Module archiver, version 1195 (20140402), build 1169
Module advheur, version 1147 (20140114), build 1112
Module cleaner, version 1087 (20140317), build 1116
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Scan started at: 04/28/14 05:22:44
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name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - abrir explorador.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - abrir notepad.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - abrir winamp.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - multiordenar.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /ventana multiordenar rejilla (esp).jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - buscar duplicados.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - carrusel de miniaturas.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - carrusel de miniaturas carpetas.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - ayuda.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /catalogos - opciones de rejilla (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /catalogos - ver paneles (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /caja - resumen del colector (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /catalogos - cabecera columnas (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /catalogos - panel arbol.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /catalogos - panel ficheros (esp).jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - menu contextual (esp).jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar local - carpetas locales (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - boton abrir.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - boton guardar.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - cargar todo.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - carpeta.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - buscar.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - stop.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /caja slim3.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /caja jewel.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /caja amary.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /portadas - principal (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /portadas - imprimir (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /descomprimir - fichero (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /descomprimir - carpeta destino (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /descomprimir - boton extraer (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /backup - fichero y carpeta (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /backup - comenzar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - configuracion por defecto (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /ventana anidados (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - extraer fichero.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - colector añadir.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - colector añadir ficheros.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - colector ver.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - colector añadir todo.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - principal (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - carpeta destino (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - boton borra todo.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - boton borra fichero.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /el colector - lista de discos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /barra de estado (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - estadisticas.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /estadisticas - ficheros por tipo (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /estadisticas - elementos en disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /estadisticas - miniaturas (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /estadisticas - ficheros de datos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /estadisticas - espacio en disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - tipo disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - nombre (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - localizacion (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - descripcion (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - refrescar unidades (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - opciones (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - boton crear (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - excluir carpetas (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - info disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo disco - progress info (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo carpeta - carpeta catalogo (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo carpeta - boton crear (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo carpeta - excluir carpetas (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - datos disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - boton copiar columna.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - rejilla (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - boton cambio disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - boton buscar disco (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /nuevo catalogo cda - boton guardar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - texto a buscar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - boton avanzada (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - boton multimedia.gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - opciones (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - que elementos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - donde buscar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /boton - ver rejilla.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /ventana opciones rejilla buscar (esp).jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - boton abrir carpeta catalogo.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - texto a buscar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - tipo busqueda (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - atributos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - modificado (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - creado (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - tamaño (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - avanzada - buscar en (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - duracion (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - canales (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - resolucion (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - calidad (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - año (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /buscar - multimedia - pista (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /duplicados - cabecera (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /imprimir arbol (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /imprimir catálogo (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /imprimir directorio (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /imprimir resultados (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - exitos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - colores arbol (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - ubicacion por defecto (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - lineas rejillas (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - colores multimedia (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - idioma (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - idioma ayuda (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - path winamp (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - tips (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - basica - boton tips (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - mostrar errores (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - auto-ordenar (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - path anidados (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - nuevo catalogo (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - extensiones anidados (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - freedb (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - interface (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - colector (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - avanzada - contraseña (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - exportar ficheros (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - exportar anidados (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - exportar multicatalogo (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - debug multimedia (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - debug comprimidos (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /configuracion - debug cd-audio ventana (esp).gif", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#WINDOWS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#IVB", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/BTree", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Data", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Map", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Property", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/BTree", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/Data", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/Map", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/Property", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$OBJINST", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /$FIftiMain", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#IDXHDR", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#TOPICS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#URLTBL", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#URLSTR", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {app}\InsideCATSPA.chm - CHM - /#STRINGS", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.tct", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.tcl", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - animalsjpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Barna dic 2005 010jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Barna dic 2005 011jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Barna dic 2005 078jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - BlownJohnpcd.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Cover2jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Dsc00452jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - DSCN1107JPG.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - DSCN1239JPG.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - DSCN1243JPG.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - DSCN1249JPG.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - frogjpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - HPIM0042jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - HPIM0059jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - HPIM0088jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - HPIM0098jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - HPIM0102jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Impatienspcd.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - MAPA_COMARCA_08jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 563jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 564jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 565jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 567jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 568jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 569jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 570jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 571jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 572jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 573jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 574jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 575jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 576jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 577jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 578jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 579jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 580jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 581jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 582jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 583jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 584jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 585jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 586jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 587jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 588jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 589jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 590jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 591jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 592jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 593jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 594jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 595jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 596jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 597jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 598jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 600jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 601jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 602jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 603jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 604jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 605jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 606jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 608jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 609jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 610jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 611jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 612jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 613jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 614jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 615jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 616jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 617jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 618jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 619jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 620jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 621jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 622jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 623jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 624jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 625jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 626jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 628jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 629jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 630jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 631jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 632jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 633jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 634jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 635jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 636jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 637jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 638jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 639jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 640jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 641jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 642jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 643jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 644jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 645jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 646jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 647jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 648jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 649jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 650jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 651jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 652jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 654jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 655jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 656jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 657jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 658jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 659jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 662jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 663jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 664jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 665jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 666jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 668jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 669jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120 photos)/Picos de Europa 2005 670jpg.jpg", threat="is OK", action="", info=""
name="insidecat500lite.exe - INNO - {userdocs}\InsideCAT data\Examples\Example 1 - Photo files.thu - ZIP - Picos de europa (Asturias) Spain (120
Scan completed at: 04/28/14 05:22:47
Scan time: 3 sec (0:00:03)
Total: files - 1, objects 757
Infected: files - 0, objects 0
Cleaned: files - 0, objects 0
General Security Recommendations
1. Install an antivirus
In order to keep your computer free of malware, we recommend that you always have an antivirus program installed, especially when downloading and installing new programs from the web. At least once a day, run its database update program. This will allow your antivirus to stay up to date with the latest badware threats and better protect your computer data.
If you don't have a powerful antivirus solution already protecting your computer, you should install one from our recommendations: Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira Free, Bitdefender Free, NOD32.
2. Choose a safe web browser
An important aspect to keep in mind is what web browser you use. Most browser exploits and viruses target Internet Explorer so it's best you consider an alternative. The safest web browsers available Today are considered to be Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Besides being free, they are both fast, have pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, with privacy and security features. Give them a try: Download Mozilla Firefox or Download Google Chrome.
3. Learn more about securing your PC
These articles should help you further:
- - Our Chart of Top Dumb Ways to Mess Up Your PC
- - PC improvement tips for National Clean Out Your Computer Day (or any other day)
- - The Crucial Actions to take when using a new Windows PC for the first time
- - Introduction to Sandboxed Browsing
- - Will Clearing Your Browser's Cache Actually Improve Your Browsing Experience?
- - Browser Hijacking Signs and How To Clean-up
- - Comprehensive Guide to Secure Passwords
- - Two-Factor Authentication Explained - Protecting Your Accounts With More Than Just a Password
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