Vypress Messenger 4.0.3 NOD32 log

Antivirus report for VyMes403.msi (1.30 MB)
Download3k has downloaded and tested version 4.0.3 of Vypress Messenger on 17 Aug 2024 using only the best antivirus engines available Today.

We have found it to be clean of any form of badware (viruses, spyware, adware, etc.). You can view the full scan logs below.

We will test Vypress Messenger again on the next version release so make sure you check back for updated reports in the near future.
  • Avast:

  • Avira:

  • Kaspersky:

  • McAfee:

  • NOD32:


Detailed logs

click - to collapse log
NOD32 scan report: Clean

ECLS Command-line scanner, version, (C) 1992-2019 ESET, spol. s r.o.
Module loader, version 1018.1 (20190709), build 1054
Module perseus, version 1559.1 (20200123), build 2102
Module scanner, version 20755 (20200129), build 44273
Module archiver, version 1297 (20200116), build 1413
Module advheur, version 1197 (20200116), build 1183
Module cleaner, version 1207 (20200128), build 1317
Module augur, version 1048 (20200122), build 1049

Command line: /log-rewrite /log-all /files /no-boots /no-heur /no-adv-heur /mail /sfx /rtp /adware /unsafe /unwanted /pattern /action=none /no-quarantine /log-file=output.tmp VyMes403.msi

Scan started at: Sat Aug 17 20:14:57 2024
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name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /security/img/viewcert.png", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /security/img/sign.png", result="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /images/pref-tb.gif", result="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /images/context-menu.gif", result="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /context.txt", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /$WWKeywordLinks/Property", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /$WWAssociativeLinks/Property", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /$OBJINST", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /$FIftiMain", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /#IDXHDR", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /#TOPICS", result="is OK", action="", info=""
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name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - vm.chm - CHM - /#STRINGS", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - VMCmnRes.dll", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - VMCmnResXP.dll", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - vywix.cab - CAB - VMres.dll", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.Up", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !_Columns", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Feature", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !CheckBox", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.Info", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !MoveFile", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Control", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Upgrade", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Property", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.iconRemove", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Signature", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !RegLocator", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.top16", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !ActionText", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !TextStyle", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !RemoveFile", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Directory", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !BindImage", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !RemoveRegistry", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.iconSetup", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !RadioButton", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.side16", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !AppSearch", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !Component", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !_Validation", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !_StringPool", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !_StringData", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !CreateFolder", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !ControlEvent", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !CustomAction", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !EventMapping", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.FixVm40.vbs", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !AdminExecuteSequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !ControlCondition", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !LaunchCondition", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.iconRepair", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !AdminUISequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !InstallUISequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !FeatureComponents", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !VypressDlgSequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.SetAllUsers.vbs", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Icon.iconVMAdvertised.exe", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.MessengerMSIUtils", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !AdvtExecuteSequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - !InstallExecuteSequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - [5]DigitalSignature", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - Binary.VypressDlgSequence", result="is OK", action="", info=""
name="VyMes403.msi - MSI - [5]SummaryInformation", result="is OK", action="", info=""

Scan completed at: Sat Aug 17 20:14:58 2024
Scan time: 1 sec (0:00:01)
Total: files - 1, objects 259
Detected: files - 0, objects 0
Cleaned: files - 0, objects 0

General Security Recommendations

1. Install an antivirus

In order to keep your computer free of malware, we recommend that you always have an antivirus program installed, especially when downloading and installing new programs from the web. At least once a day, run its database update program. This will allow your antivirus to stay up to date with the latest badware threats and better protect your computer data.

If you don't have a powerful antivirus solution already protecting your computer, you should install one from our recommendations: Avast Free, AVG Free, Avira Free, Bitdefender Free, NOD32.

2. Choose a safe web browser

An important aspect to keep in mind is what web browser you use. Most browser exploits and viruses target Internet Explorer so it's best you consider an alternative. The safest web browsers available Today are considered to be Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Besides being free, they are both fast, have pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, with privacy and security features. Give them a try: Download Mozilla Firefox or Download Google Chrome.

3. Learn more about securing your PC

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