- Syndication
Public Data Feeds (XML/RSS)
Public Data Feeds contain information from our databases. They are formated in a generic way to allow anyone who is interested to use the information with their news reader or website.
News reader
We recommend FeedReader as our preferred RSS reader. With its simple to use interface it's ideal to view the latest software updates on Download3K.
Download FeedReader here.
Website use
If you operate a web server or web site, you are welcome to include these headlines in your own pages but we kindly recommend that you keep a local copy of these feeds so that you do not fetch them from our servers more than once per hour (see Frequency section, below).
Public Data Feeds available:

Please let us know if there are other types of feeds you are interested in using.
Frequency of Feed File Updates - HOURLY
Each of the files are updated hourly shortly after the top of every hour (in the first 20 minutes). Therefore, fetching the appropriate file at, say, 20 minutes after the top of the hour is all that is needed.
So please, when setting up the update interval, be sure to cache the file locally between fetches.