System Utilities

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@SwIt Printfil 5.32 32x32 pixels icon @SwIt Printfil 5.32
Fresh UI 8.85 32x32 pixels icon Fresh UI 8.85
Taskix 2.1 32x32 pixels icon Taskix 2.1
Print from DOS, Unix, Linux to Windows printers: USB, GDI, PDF, e-mail, network, IP, fax. Capture LPT1:-LPT9: & COM1:-COM9: and redirect the jobs, even to a printer physically connected to the captured port and w/out physical LPT/COM ports installed
Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows XP/7/Vista/2000/NT/98/95/Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you will be glad to know.
Taskix is a shareware utility destined for those who keep many open windows at the same time. It allows you to reorder taskbar tabs with drag-and-drop, scroll through tabs with the mouse wheel, close tabs with middle-click, and more.
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