System Utilities

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Click-N-Type 3.03.415 32x32 pixels icon Click-N-Type 3.03.415
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 4.8 32x32 pixels icon Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 4.8
Typinator 9.1 32x32 pixels icon Typinator 9.1
Click-N-Type is a free on-screen virtual keyboard for anyone with a disability who can't type on a physical computer keyboard, but can use a pointing device like a mouse.
Eusing Free Registry Cleaner is a free registry repair software that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks.You can restore any changes made using the software by choosing Restore registry backup.
Are you tired of typing your name, e-mail address, or other words or phrases again and again? Do you often misspell words when typing? Typinator automates the process of inserting frequently used text and graphics and auto-corrects your typos.
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