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VeraCrypt 1.26.20

Developed by - Windows - setup file VeraCrypt_Setup_x64_1.26.7.msi (31.86 MB) - Freeware
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Review & Alternatives

"Disk encryption software"


VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption package is open-source. It has been released by Idrix and is loosely based around TrueCrypt being a fork off the original development. So much so that from VeraCrypt version 1.0f it is now possible to successfully mount TrueCrypt volumes using VeraCrypt and convert them across to the VeraCrypt format as well. This will be welcome news to TrueCrypt users who were looking for a way to switch out of this discontinued product into a different package with ongoing development and backwards compatibility with TrueCrypt.

Both TrueCrypt containers and non-system partitions can be converted across from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt. VeraCrypt uses far strong initial encryption with iterations that prevent access beyond what TrueCrypt offered.

The software includes added protection against brute-force attacks and other developments in cyber security. The added protection includes a forced delay in opening encrypted partitions which has no ill effect on general operations but stops repeated, rapid-fire, access attempts to the VeraCrypt volumes.

Encrypt system volumes, non-system volumes or simply create containers which are secured with strong encryption and pass phrases to prevent access by an unapproved third party. The benefit of system volumes is that it can ensure that Windows is encrypted even if the operating system should crash which would normally leave temporary files available for access; this is not the case with encrypted system volumes.


The installation process includes the option to install the software or simply to extract the appropriate setup files. The former option is there for people who wish to encrypt a system volume, however by using the latter option it is possible to use VeraCrypt in a form of portable mode where the VeraCrypt.exe executable can be run directly without installation being necessary.

It is possible to encrypt a USB flash drive, however it is not possible to actually install VeraCrypt on a USB flash drive.

There was no adware, toolbars, malware, spyware or other malicious addition to the collection of setup files.

VeraCrypt requires Windows OS.


The workman-like interface lacks any fancy detail, but it is modern enough and easy to understand all sections of it. This is important with a data encryption package.

There is a detailed menu system and enough initial options on the screen to let the user select drives, folders and files that they wish to begin encrypting.

The layout is produced with some thought behind it which ensures that it is not confusing or overwhelming for the beginner user.


  • Create encrypted system volumes and non-system volumes
  • Encrypt folders, files
  • Encrypt USB flash drives
  • Use highly-secure 256-bit encryption protocols
  • Improved protection against brute-force attacks
  • Can access TrueCrypt volumes / non-system volumes and convert to VeraCrypt
  • Portable mode to run the VeraCrypt executable without installing it (will not run system volume encryption without full installation).


  • No iOS, Android or other mobile versions currently planned.


DiskCryptor can encrypt folders, files and whole partitions. Also supports AES, Twofish, and Serpent encryption algorithms.


VeraCrypt is a new open-source encryption option for people who previously used TrueCrypt. The software can convert TrueCrypt volumes across to VeraCrypt format and offers better protection from the latest brute-force attacks.

Reviewed by Pete Daniel

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested VeraCrypt on 8 Feb 2025 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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