Photo & Graphic

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SnapaShot 3.7 32x32 pixels icon SnapaShot 3.7
jAlbum 37.1 32x32 pixels icon jAlbum 37.1
merge 3.0 32x32 pixels icon merge 3.0
Smallest free screen capture softwarel, SnapaShot is great for taking screenshots of different size. Just open Snapa, resize its window to fit the area you want to save, and press "save it" button.
Create web galleries from your digital photos, just the way you want it. Use "skins" to customize the appearance and functionality of your gallery. Download new free skins, publish on any site and share your galleries on
MERGE is a simple graphic utility for overlaying two images or text in any relative position prior to saving to a file. You can merge the two images in different ways as well as smooth blending in of just part of an image to the final result. There i
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