MP3 Audio Video

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Power MP3 Cutter Joiner 1.12 32x32 pixels icon Power MP3 Cutter Joiner 1.12
VinylStudio for Windows 7.5.2 32x32 pixels icon VinylStudio for Windows 7.5.2
Mp3tag 3.27 32x32 pixels icon Mp3tag 3.27
Power MP3 Cutter Joiner is a powerful and ease-to-use audio editor. It builds audio cutter and audio joiner in one software. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG cutting/joining. Cut/join with high precision and no quality is lost!
VinylStudio makes it easy to convert your records and tapes to CD, MP3 and other formats. It provides all the tools you need, including a full set of sound cleaning filters.
Mp3tag is the universal Tag editor. Mp3tag enables you to edit and remove tags of your audio files, import from online databases, generate filenames based on tags (and the way back), Capitalize, lowercase and UPPERCASE filenames and tags and more...
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