MP3 Audio Video

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OpenCloner UltraBox 2.90.236 32x32 pixels icon OpenCloner UltraBox 2.90.236
Mp3tag 3.27 32x32 pixels icon Mp3tag 3.27
*Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder 7.05 32x32 pixels icon *Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder 7.05
OpenCloner UltraBox is all-in-one software to copy, rip and burn DVD/Blu-ray movies. It also enables you to download/capture online movies and convert them to various video and audio formats.
Mp3tag is the universal Tag editor. Mp3tag enables you to edit and remove tags of your audio files, import from online databases, generate filenames based on tags (and the way back), Capitalize, lowercase and UPPERCASE filenames and tags and more...
SP_VTB virtual tour compiler. Presentation tools. It intended for creation of multimedia presentations with spherical and cylindrical panoramas, hot spots, map, compas, video, objects, foreground speech, background music, flash animation, Html.
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