MP3 Audio Video

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Power MP3 Cutter Joiner 1.12 32x32 pixels icon Power MP3 Cutter Joiner 1.12
*Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder 7.05 32x32 pixels icon *Spherical Panorama Virtual Tour Builder 7.05
Melomania 1.89 32x32 pixels icon Melomania 1.89
Power MP3 Cutter Joiner is a powerful and ease-to-use audio editor. It builds audio cutter and audio joiner in one software. Supports MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG cutting/joining. Cut/join with high precision and no quality is lost!
SP_VTB virtual tour compiler. Presentation tools. It intended for creation of multimedia presentations with spherical and cylindrical panoramas, hot spots, map, compas, video, objects, foreground speech, background music, flash animation, Html.
Melomania is a handy music collection program for Windows, which allows you to catalog music collections of any kind, from vinyl to MP3s, and provides you with the facilities to manage a music database.
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