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NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10 32x32 pixels icon NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10
Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0 32x32 pixels icon Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0
CamUniversal 32x32 pixels icon CamUniversal
1. Drag&Drop for URL collection 2. Skin shades to choose from 3. Linear Browsing with web page access time 4. Multiple Browsing using tiled-windows 5. Tailored Browsing 6. Auto Browsing 7. Verbial Icons 8. Computer control from within browser
History, Favorites, Cache and Cookies Manager for Microsoft Internet Explorer, with options to sort, group, search, print and export. It allows to selectively erase items from your history--no need to erase your entire history.
CamUniversal - Is the ultimate solution for all of your video demands. It supports WebCams, NetCams (IP-Cams) and all video devices which are working with an up to date driver for Windows. Built-in motion detector and scheduler are available.
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Xmarks for Firefox (formerly Foxmarks) 4.2.5 32x32 pixels icon Xmarks for Firefox (formerly Foxmarks) 4.2.5
Xmarks for Firefox is a free add-on for your browser that synchronizes and backs up your bookmarks across multiple computers. Xmarks helps you find the best sites on the web based on what millions of people are bookmarking.
Freeware, Updated 15 January 2014
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0.84 MB
BitWise IM 1.7.3 32x32 pixels icon BitWise IM 1.7.3
BitWise is the first cross-platform, interoperable and secure IM service with the same features and interface on Windows, Linux and OS X. Features include voice, file transfer, file sharing, "tabbed" chats, whiteboards, logging and offline messaging.
Freeware, Updated 24 June 2007
Last week

3.14 MB
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