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GetMail 4.0 32x32 pixels icon GetMail 4.0
ooVoo 7.0.4 32x32 pixels icon ooVoo 7.0.4
123 Flash Chat Server Software 10.0 32x32 pixels icon 123 Flash Chat Server Software 10.0
Do you want to read webmail only mail systems such as Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail, AOL, Yahoo on your mobile device such as a Blackberry. GetMail will help by forwarding your email to a standard POP3 account that most mobile devices support.
ooVoo helps you connect with your friends, family, and business associates like you've never done before with high-quality video and sound.
The leading chat server software for dating/ social networks, It can be easily added to all websites: Joomla!, Skadate, vBulletin...with multiple skins, single sign-on, social connect, user levels, video conference mode, mobile apps! Free trial now!
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