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CamUniversal 32x32 pixels icon CamUniversal
NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10 32x32 pixels icon NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10
Sendblaster 3.1.6 32x32 pixels icon Sendblaster 3.1.6
CamUniversal - Is the ultimate solution for all of your video demands. It supports WebCams, NetCams (IP-Cams) and all video devices which are working with an up to date driver for Windows. Built-in motion detector and scheduler are available.
1. Drag&Drop for URL collection 2. Skin shades to choose from 3. Linear Browsing with web page access time 4. Multiple Browsing using tiled-windows 5. Tailored Browsing 6. Auto Browsing 7. Verbial Icons 8. Computer control from within browser
The best bulk email sender and mailing list management software. It’s so user-friendly that you can launch your email marketing campaign in minutes: create a newsletter, select a mailing list and start its fast mass emailing engine
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