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NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10 32x32 pixels icon NotJustBrowsing 1.0.10
ooVoo 7.0.4 32x32 pixels icon ooVoo 7.0.4
CyberArticle 5.3 32x32 pixels icon CyberArticle 5.3
1. Drag&Drop for URL collection 2. Skin shades to choose from 3. Linear Browsing with web page access time 4. Multiple Browsing using tiled-windows 5. Tailored Browsing 6. Auto Browsing 7. Verbial Icons 8. Computer control from within browser
ooVoo helps you connect with your friends, family, and business associates like you've never done before with high-quality video and sound.
CyberArticle is a knowledge management software, it can help you to manage knowledge you got, it can also help you to output many formats easily as you want to share your knowledge.
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