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Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0 32x32 pixels icon Dutch Duck IE History Viewer 2014.1.0
CamUniversal 32x32 pixels icon CamUniversal
CyberArticle 5.3 32x32 pixels icon CyberArticle 5.3
History, Favorites, Cache and Cookies Manager for Microsoft Internet Explorer, with options to sort, group, search, print and export. It allows to selectively erase items from your history--no need to erase your entire history.
CamUniversal - Is the ultimate solution for all of your video demands. It supports WebCams, NetCams (IP-Cams) and all video devices which are working with an up to date driver for Windows. Built-in motion detector and scheduler are available.
CyberArticle is a knowledge management software, it can help you to manage knowledge you got, it can also help you to output many formats easily as you want to share your knowledge.
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